विकिपीडिया:आंतरविकि दूतावास/जुनी चर्चा १
[संपादन]List of Visiting Bots
[संपादन]An interwiki pywikipedia bot run from italian wikipedia, run by it:Utente:Riccardov, i'd like to ask if am i allowed to run the bot here without bot flag, or, if needed, where can i ask for a bot flag? --riccardo (better it) operator of Riccardobot 18:26, 5 डिसेंबर 2006 (UTC)
Bishnupriya Manipuri
[संपादन]Please also visit Bishnupriya Manipuri language embassy.
Nepal Bhasa
[संपादन]A message: Nepal Bhasa wikipedia has recently started developing here . We would like to increase co-ordination between the two wikipedia, share resources as well as to learn from this version. If someone is interested, please visit Nepal Bhasa Embassy. Plus, please consider working here as well. Thank you. --Eukesh 18:33, 5 नोव्हेंबर 2006 (UTC)
[संपादन]- Sysop, please change your Mediawiki:Monobook.js with source from here to enable devnagari.--Eukesh 00:12, 10 डिसेंबर 2006 (UTC)
- Apologies if this is the wrong place for this, but I'd like to report a bad link on Setup_For_Devanagari The link for "Safari" should point to Safari_(web_browser).
[संपादन]- Thankyou for the visit to Tamil Wikipedia (ta:Wikipedia:தமிழ்த் தூதரகம் (Tamil Embassy)) and the message. Just to let you know, the category of Maharashtra in Tamil Wikipedia is ta:பகுப்பு:மகாராஷ்டிரம்.--Natkeeran 04:50, 5 नोव्हेंबर 2006 (UTC)
[संपादन]Bangla (Bengali) Wikipedia
[संपादन]Hello, please visit the Bangla Language Wikipedia embassy (উইকিপেডিয়া:দূতাবাস) for inter-wiki developments and such. Thanks. --Zaheen 13:44, 24 जानेवारी 2007 (UTC)
[संपादन]- Thank you and visit telugu embassy here te:వికీపీడియా:దౌత్య కార్యాలయము --Vyzasatya ०३:२८, २७ जानेवारी २००७ (UTC)
Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot PipepBot here, and to get a bot flag for it.
- Operator: it:User:Pipep
- Purpose: Interwiki
- Software: Pywikipedia
- Have bot flag at: als, am, an, ar, az, bat-smg, be-x-old, bn, bs, ca, ceb, cs, cv, da, en, eo, et, fo, fy, ga, hr, id, is, ka, ksh, la, li, lv, nap, nn, no, pms, simple, sl, sr, sv, th, uk, vec
- Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot. It mostly runs manually assisted. May run automatically in some cases.
It will soon begin to do test edits. Thank you! --it:User:Pipep १८:५४, ८ ऑगस्ट २००७ (UTC)
- PipepBot has now bot status. Thank you! it:User:Pipep १७:१४, ५ सप्टेंबर २००७ (UTC)
Can someone here help us translate this page at en.wiki? The help would be greatly appreciated! nneonneo २१:२३, १३ जून २००८ (UTC)
India Week on Russian Wikipedia edition
[संपादन]Dear colleagues, Russian Wikipedia edition is starting a week of India on Nov 7-17, 2008. During this period, the Theme Week project participants and other Wikipedia users will try to cover as many India-related topics as possible. Your contribution to this project would be very much appreciated. --Munroe २३:०७, ६ नोव्हेंबर २००८ (UTC)
[संपादन]congrats to marathi wikipedia on achieving 10,000 articles. & the depth also increasing. keep it up. --கோபி १६:३८, २८ मे २००७ (UTC) (gopi from tamil wikipedia)
Bot command translations
[संपादन]Hi. Could anybody translate me these interwiki bot commands to Marathi (they will be displayed in all interwiki bot summaries instead English)?
- robot - सांगकाम्या
- Adding - वाढवले
- Removing - काढले
- Modifying - बदलले
Thank you. lt:User:Hugo.arg ०९:३५, १६ फेब्रुवारी २००८ (UTC)
Translation Request of article about Austrian writer Klaus Ebner
I am Irina Walter from Austria, interested in literature and working on a project to translate the article about Austrian writer K. Ebner into other Wikipedia languages. Thus I would like to have this article also translated into the Marathi language, be it in its original length or in a shortened summary layout. This section is my wish/request (I hope it is the right place). Source texts are available in different languages, here are the most important:
- The article on Klaus Ebner in English
- The article on Klaus Ebner in Simple English
- Der Artikel über Klaus Ebner auf Deutsch
- L'article sur Klaus Ebner en français
- La entrada sobre Klaus Ebner en español
If you have further questions, please don't hestitate to contact me on my English or German user page. Thank you very much for your endeavors!
Irina Walter, from Baden, Austria, Europe. -- २१:३५, २१ नोव्हेंबर २००८ (UTC)
This request is still upright. Thank you. Cheers. --Irina Walter AT १८:५२, १२ ऑक्टोबर २००९ (UTC)
Free Software Conference at Thiruvanathapuram
[संपादन]Dear All,
Jimmy wales and two other wikimedia foundation members will be in Thiruvananthapuram to attend the fsfs conference on the 10th and 11th of December 2008. The fsfs and space-kerala organizers has provided an opportunity for Malayalam wikipedians to participate, conduct a session/panel discussion related to Malayalam Wikipedia in that conference.
We are planning to have a meeting with Jimmy Wales and team after our sessions. We would like to know your interest in joining with us for this meeting. We may even plan an indian wiki meet there, if there is enough participation from other wikipedias. Please mail me at shijualexonline@gmail.com if you are interested; so that we can ask the organizers to make arrangement for this.
An off topic question. Why this page is in article (main) name space? It should be in Wikipedia name space. For example Wikipedia:Embassy.
--Shijualex १९:२४, २८ नोव्हेंबर २००८ (UTC)
Bot status request for TjBot
[संपादन]I would like to request a bot flag for TjBot
- Bot operator: id:user:Tjmoel
- List of botflags on other projects: ar, be-x-old, cs, de, es, et, fr, hr, id, it, lb, lt, lv, ms, no, pl, ru, sr, sw, tr, uk, zh-yue, zh
.. Contributions in all Wikimedia projects see here. Flags and edit counter in other projects see here.
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: use pywikipedia
— Tjmoel talk ००:४१, १० जून २०१० (UTC)
Bot task approval and Bot flag for User:TinucherianBot
[संपादन]I will be using my bot account User:TinucherianBot to deliver the future Wikimedia India newsletter notices to the individual user talk pages ( Similar to the Wikipedia Signpost) in English & different Indian/Indic language Wikipedias. The newsletter will be only available in English as of now and will be mostly hosted on Wikimedia.in
The account already has a bot task approval on English Wikipedia and has over 131K edits globally .The bot needs approval and bot flags in the respective language Wikipedias for this task. The talk page delivery is only for the users who opt in for. The opt in list pages will be created soon.
For more details, see http://www.wikimedia.in/wiki/Newsletter#Approvals_for_Newsletter_delivery and announcement on Wikimedia India mailing list
Bot details :
- Bot name : User:TinucherianBot
- Operator : Tinucherian
- Automatic or Manually Assisted : Manually configured and automatically run under supervision.
- Programming Language(s) : C# , Auto Wiki Browser
- Function Summary : Delivery the future Wikimedia India newsletter notices
- Already has a bot flag on : en.wiki ( as of now)
I am requesting the approval of the bot task by this Wikicommunity and also bot flag for the bot account. Tinucherian ०९:५४, ४ मार्च २०११ (UTC)
- It will be great if the bot flag is granted for this task. Thanks in advance - Tinucherian ११:०६, १७ एप्रिल २०११ (UTC)
- Is this being addressed? Thanks. Ijon १६:२८, ३० जून २०११ (UTC)
Disimbig templates
[संपादन]I have gone trough all template categories, some disambiguation pages and even searched for an disambiguation template with no luck. I´m requesting a Marathi translator to make such an template, like en:Template:Disambiguation with the only purpose of being used on disambiguation pages. Also, I need an admin to update the list on मिडियाविकी:Disambiguationspage as the template {{साचा:हा लेख}} listed is an hatnote (an template that is used on articles and links to disambiguation pages and similar articles). This issue is related to an flaw on pywikipedia, an framework that an majority of bots are based upon. The flaw is located at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3390864&group_id=93107&atid=603138 , and causes an disimbigation mismatch from all bots that use pywikipedia. This is therefore quite an urgent issue. Another discussion on the same subject can be found on मिडियाविकी_चर्चा:Disambiguationspage.--Snaevar २१:२७, २२ ऑगस्ट २०११ (UTC) (sysop on is.wiki)
- OK taken note of your comment.We will work to address the issue.Rgds माहितगार २३:०१, २३ ऑगस्ट २०११ (UTC)
- Hi Snaevar, can you please check मिडियाविकी:Disambiguationspage now ? I guess, we have finished the changes needed to fix the issue.
- --संकल्प द्रविड (चर्चा | योगदान) १५:२६, २५ ऑगस्ट २०११ (UTC)
- All is fine now. Thanks a lot. Xqt १२:०८, २८ ऑगस्ट २०११ (UTC)
Related links संबंधीत दुवे
[संपादन]- meta:Tell_us_about_Marathi_Wikipedia
- Lingustic Resources for Non Marathi and People with Marathi as Second language
- Bot Requests
- m:Wikimedia Embassy ,
- m:Bot flags,
- m:New languages
- m:Translations
- Village Pump on Marathi Wikipedia, Indian Bots, Project Marathi Bots, सांगकाम्या वर्षा,
English to Marathi words Glossary
Special Box for Indian Languages on Main Page
[संपादन]Telugu Wikipedia has been using a special box (Link to template in Telugu) on its main page to point to Indian language Wikipedias. Can you include a similar one on your main page? --Arjunaraoc ०६:२३, ९ जानेवारी २०१२ (UTC)
- Hi Arjunarao C, as of now Marathi wikipedia main page do have a listing of Indic languages in the sidebar on left hand. In the wake of this, I am curious to know the advantage/purpose of having a special box.
- --संकल्प द्रविड (Sankalp Dravid) (चर्चा | योगदान) १५:११, ९ जानेवारी २०१२ (UTC)
Hi! This file has no source and license and if uploader does not fix it the file should be deleted. I do not know which template to add or which page to link to to help uploader select a license. --MGA73 १४:३१, २३ फेब्रुवारी २०१२ (IST)
- It seems there is many files without a license. To make it easy you could start by deleting the files that is not used: विशेष:न_वापरलेली_चित्रे. --MGA73 १४:३८, २३ फेब्रुवारी २०१२ (IST)
- Hi! While your concern is apreceiated,for your information related issues are discussed among Marathi Wikipedians.At the same majority of Marathi language wikipedians are governed by indic laws that too rules framed by Mumbai High court also do matter rest of the global community is not likely to know local legal aspects. What should be kept and what should be deleted and when actions to be taken are local level decesions, Marathi Language Wikipedia comunity has clear understanding that we do not entertain request from Non Marathi language wikipedians in such respect unless required by Wikimedia Foundations direct intervention.
Thanks any way and best wishes
माहितगार २१:५८, २३ फेब्रुवारी २०१२ (IST)
Help collecting problem reports for MediaWiki 1.19
[संपादन]Last night, we rolled out MediaWiki 1.19 to all the Wikipedias. I'd like help collecting problem reports. If you can enter problem reports in Bugzilla, please do. Otherwise, leave me a message with information. -- ☠MarkAHershberger☢(talk)☣ १०:५७, १ मार्च २०१२ (IST)
Photo request: Kingfisher Airlines HQ
[संपादन]I would like to have this message posted on the Marathi Wikipedia: "Would somebody in Mumbai mind photographing the Kingfisher Airlines head office? It is at Kingfisher House Western Express Highway Vile Parle (E) Mumbai - 400099 India - The reason why is that the airline may shut down due to financial trouble, and we need to get a photo of the HQ"
Thanks WhisperToMe (चर्चा) ०४:०९, १४ मार्च २०१२ (IST)
Response to चावडी आणि कौल येथील बदल
[संपादन]Following content was posted on User_Talk:Mahitgar. Since it is in English, and Mahitgar denined replying to it on talk page, posting it on Embassy page. Requesting all sysops to look into the content and responde.
Your content posted on my talk page is in red color
Response is in blue color
चावडी मध्यवर्ती चर्चा आणि कौल येथील आपले सदस्य खाते तसेच आपले 'नीनावी' ह्या बॉट खात्या मार्फतचे काही बदलांनी विकिपीडियातील काही सदस्य गट नाराज झालेले आढळून येत आहेत.
Clarification: I don't have any bot account with username 'नीनावी'. 'निनावी' username is the bot account.
Would appreciate if you can put some light regarding:
- What changes/modifications are being considered in this case? - What exactly you mean by 'User group' (सदस्य गट). - Reason why they are angry (नाराज) with concerned modifications/changes.
विकिपीडिया संस्कृती चांगल्या कामात पुढाकार घेण्यास प्रोत्साहन देते मात्र विकिपीडियातील वेगेवेगळ्या बाबी कशा बॅलन्स होतात ह्याचा काही काळ कोणत्याही विवादात भाग न घेता अभ्यास करावा.
Did not understand what you are trying to say. Please elaborate. Will be nice if you can point to some documentation.
प्रत्येक वेळी नियमांना कवटालून बसू नये.
Please elaborate.
सदस्य आणि समुदायाच्या विन्ंत्यांवर सकारात्मक पूर्वग्रहांशिवाय विचार करावा.
Till now I have tried replying to the requests from other users. Also, after the discussion with people, modifications were done, and in some cases people themselves did the modifications after the discussion.
आपल्या कृती समुदायास विश्वासात घेऊन करण्याकडे कल असावा.विकिपीडिया केवळ नीयमतयार करणे आणि नीयमांना कवटाळून बसण्याचाही कार्यक्रम नाही.
Please elaborate. Not sure why you are trying to suggest this.
हा सर्व बॅलन्स लक्षात येण्याकरिता काही कालावधी जाईल; आपले मराठी विकिपीडियावरिल शुद्धलेखन विषयक प्रयत्न नक्कीच स्तुत्य आहेत.आपल्या हातून आपल्या आवडीचे लेखन घडत राहो हि शुभेच्छा.
आपली सदस्य परमहंस यांचे लेखन स्थानांतरीत करण्याची कृती टाळण्याजोगी होती. कौलात सहभागी होताना दुसऱ्यांच्या कौलांचे पर्याय परस्पर बदल करू नयेत काही बदल् करावयाचा असेल तर कौल मांडणाऱ्या सदस्याची संमती घ्यावी.
There were multiple points in the poll. Since every point was not agreeable, I added comments on it. I suppose thats what poll are for. If there is some other understanding of the same, kindly let me know about it.
संतोष दहिवळांनी ज्या प्रमाणे कौलाबद्दल चावडीवर चर्चा मांडली त्याप्रमाणे ध्येय धोरणेवर तात्वीक चर्चा करून समुदायास विश्वासात घ्यावे.
मराठी बॉट खात्यांच्या उपयोगाच्या संदर्भाने मार्गदर्शिका आणि चर्चेचे लवकरच चावडी ध्येय धोरणे येथे चर्चा प्रस्तावीत आहे. तुर्तास आपल्या बॉट खात्या मार्फत कोणती कार्ये करणार आहात याची कल्पना आणि चर्चा सदस्य संकल्प द्रविड आणि सदस्य अभय नातूंशी करावी. अधिकृत नवे धोरण चर्चीले जाऊन स्विकारले जात नाही तो पर्यंत चावडी,चर्चा नामविश्व आणि सदस्य चर्चा नामविश्वात 'नीनावी' हे बॉट खाते वापरू नये.
Few observations.
I modify some template (let me know if you want the specific modifications), another users (Santosh Dahiwal, Abhijit Sathe) suggest me about the problem which is seen due to that modification, and within few hours (read less than 24 hours), modifications were reverted back. Users like Nanu/रायबा/परमहंस user start accusing of the modifications, start deleting the response (without giving any reason for the deletion), someone deletes the content from IP, starts personal attack and no one responds to that. After some time I receive message from you, not asking about any clarification, but instead with incomplete details regarding what should be done and what should not be done.
NOTE: This is just my observation.
Please post your response on my talk page, if any.
- Hi, any update regarding this?
- आपला संदेश इंग्रजीत असल्यामुळे वाचलेला नाही . धन्यवाद माहितगार (चर्चा) १७:१०, २८ एप्रिल २०१२ (IST)
IRC on community building - June 7, 2012
[संपादन]Hey folks, Hisham had posted an update on the community building pilot Shiju ran as part of India Program. This pilot was run in Assam but there are tips and pointers and suggestions from this pilot that are relevant for all Indic communities. As part of the India Programs IRCs, we propose the first monthly IRC of June to be on this topic. We'd like to discuss how to build and support communities by increasing the number of editors, assessing progress on Wikiprojects as well as fostering possibilities of new collaborations. Please join us on 7th June at 09:30 p.m IST using this link. Thank you. Noopur28 (चर्चा) १६:१३, ६ जून २०१२ (IST)
GLAM Crafts Museum blog post
[संपादन]Dear all, Here's a blog post cum report on India's first GLAM initiative at the National Crafts Museum! The program started out in English but was taken forward in Hindi to suit the staff members who have been enthusiastically creating articles and editing in Hindi Wikipedia! The program has been a bold step to prove that GLAM can very well happen in India - with its own design and structure and it has also given the Hindi community a precious gift of 6 new editors.
A special thanks to User: Roboture who has been with us in each and every meet and helped train editors, User:Yann for his first set of invaluable Commons contributions and to User:Aniruddhajnu and User:Siddhartha Ghai for coming down to the museum to inspire the staff members.
Hope this gives more courage to any community that wants to start a similar project! Would love to provide any help needed. Noopur28 (चर्चा) ११:५७, २५ जुलै २०१२ (IST)
Announcements for India Program - July/August 2012
[संपादन]Dear all, Here are a few updates and announcements regarding the India Program team:
- Hisham Mundol, heading the India Program operations in India is stepping down from the position. Here is Hisham's note of farewell on the mailing list.
- As per the announcement made by Barry Newstead, Chief Global Development Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation, WMF will be giving Center for Internet and Society (CIS), Bangalore a grant for two years to expand their Access to Knowledge (A2K) program.
- As per the announcement made by Sunil Abraham, heading CIS, Bangalore - CIS will be hiring all the existing consultants of India Program from September 1, 2012.
- CIS invites volunteers for the selection committee to recruit a Program Director for the A2K program. More details can be found here.
- CIS also announces a vacancy for the post of Program Director - A2K program. More details about the position can be found here.
For further questions or clarifications, you can write on my talk page or please feel free to mail me at nraval@wikimedia.org. Thank you. Noopur28 (चर्चा) १५:५०, ३ ऑगस्ट २०१२ (IST)
[संपादन]Aaj diwali ahe mhanje far anandacha san far enjoyment karayacha san ahe ha
52nd Bangalore Meetup !
[संपादन]![]() |
विकीपीडीया बन्गलोर-५२ भेट | ![]() |
आपणा सगळ्यांना, लीडीया पीनटसचर बरोबर विकीडाटा वर होणार्या चर्चे मध्ये सहभागी होण्याचे आमंत्रण करण्यात येत आहे. हि चर्चा २-डिसेंबर(आज), ३ वासता बन्गलोर येथे आयोजित करण्यात आलेली आहे. तरी तुम्ही या चर्चे मध्ये युट्युब (youtube live streaming) चा माध्यमाने सहभागी होऊ शकता. अधिक माहिती साठी कृपया चर्चा सत्र पान (meetup page) पाहावे. आपण आपला सहभाग संलग्न(on -line) माध्यमाने दर्शविण्यासाठी 'virtual participation' विभागात नोंद करावी. |
Deletion of en:Anand Rishiji Maharaj
[संपादन]Please help with Marathi language sources for Jain acarya featured on Indian postage stamp. http://jainsite.com/jain-sitejainismall-jain-informationjain-stavan/jain-sitejainismall-jain-informationall-jain-details/jain-magazine.html en:Anand Rishiji Maharaj In ictu oculi (चर्चा) ०९:५८, १५ मार्च २०१३ (IST)
[संपादन]Pleast delete the Wiki page वॉलोन्गॉन्ग विश्वविद्यालय. It actually was my misstake writing on wrong Wiki language. Thanks :)
Marathi Language wikipedia has independent Bot policy needs local approval
[संपादन]- en: Requests for the bot flag should not made be made on community page. Marathi Language wiki does not use the standard bot policy, and does not allow global bots and automatic approval of certain types of bots. All bots should apply at Marathi Wikipedia Local Bot Request, and then request access from a local burocrat if there is no objection.
Policy for Non Marathi Bots convey it prominently to all old and new bots
- Policy page governing non-marathi bots should be conveyed at
- All non-Marathi Bots please do register yourself with bot name, controllers User name, talkpage, with brief info the work Bot carrying out; source of Marathi words referred by the bot etc. at Marathi Wikipedia Local Bot Request.
- Other than interwiki linking,prior permission from Marathi wikipedia Burocrats or sysop is must.
- Non-Marathi Bots are requested, to not to carry out any spellcheck/spellchange in Roman or Devanagari script in Marathi Language wikipedia or wictionary; except in cases of specific request coming from a Marathi Wikipedia Sysop after due consensus at Marathi Wikipedia.
- Where bots or non Marathi wikipedia want to request spell change shall do so first at mr:Wikipedia:Embassy in a separate subsection.
- Non-Marathi Bots shall not carry out any change in any images and pictures or shall not upload any images and pictures without express permission or request to and from Sysops or Burocrat from Marathi Wikipedia with due consnsus and/or requirement.
- Note for Hindi language bots संस्कृत, हिंदी तथा किसीभी भारतीय भाषासे मराठी व्याकरण और मराठी शब्द लेखन भिन्न हो सकता है इस लिए अमराठी भाषायी बॉट/बॉट नियंत्रक (मराठी भाषी बॉट के अलावा और किसी भाषा के बॉट नियंत्रक) द्वारा मराठी भाषा विकिपीडियामे शुद्धीचिकित्सा या शब्द '"शुद्धीकरण प्रतिबंधीत है।।
Interwiki Ambassadors
[संपादन]- Hindi - mitul0520
- Italian-Riccardobot (a bot)
- Bishnupriya Manipuri -उत्तम सिंह
- Nepal Bhasa-Eukesh
- Tamil-Natkeeran
- Romani-देसीफ्राल
- Bangla (Bengali) Wikipedia-Zaheen
- Telugu - Vyzasatya
- Malayalam - Jacob Jose
Discussions चर्चा
[संपादन]Shahu II, also known as Dilipsinh Bhonsle
[संपादन]In the English Wikipedia, a discussion about en:Shahu II, also known as Dilipsinh Bhonsle, who claims to have inherited the title of Maharaja of Kolhapur, is taking place at en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Shahu II. I have not been able to find references for Shahu II or Dilipsinh Bhonsle. If you can find references, whether in English or Marathi, to show that he is notable, please add them to the English article and consider creating a Marathi-language article for the Marathi Wikipedia. Eastmain (चर्चा) १०:०३, १७ जून २०१४ (IST)
This is a clear copyright violation. Postage stamps in India are copyright protected and their fair use on Wikipedia projects is allowed only if there is a Wikipedia page on the concerning stamp. Hence, it should be speedily deleted IMO. Sorry about writing this message in English. Regards, Rahul Bott (चर्चा) २०:४६, १९ मे २०१३ (IST)
This image page of a living person has no license. Either the uploader should provide the correct license or this is a most likely copyright violation which should be deleted urgently. Sorry again about writing this message in English. Thanks in advance. Rahul Bott (चर्चा) २१:४१, १५ जून २०१३ (IST)
कोलंबस विषयी माहिती हवी
[संपादन]माहिती हवी kolabas yane america khandacha shodh lavla
[संपादन]Hi all, Anyone from Nagpur active in Marathi wiki? I would like to contact with him.--मुहम्मद शुऐब (चर्चा) २२:०४, ९ मार्च २०१४ (IST)
Catalan Culture Challenge
[संपादन]I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.
The Catalan-speaking world... Want to find out more? From March 16 to April 15 we will organise the Catalan Culture Challenge, a Wikipedia editing contest in which victory will go to those who start and improve the greatest number of articles about 50 key figures of Catalan culture. You can take part by creating or expanding articles on these people in your native language (or any other one you speak). It would be lovely to have you on board. :-)
We look forward to seeing you!
Amical Wikimedia--Kippelboy (चर्चा) ११:१७, १६ मार्च २०१४ (IST)
Please add variant word of you languages in this list.--Kaiyr (चर्चा) १३:५९, १७ ऑगस्ट २०१४ (IST)
Monuments of Spain Challenge
[संपादन]Excuse me for not speaking Marathi yet.
Wikimedia España invites you to join the Monuments of Spain Challenge. And what’s that? It’s a contest. You have to edit, translate or expand articles about the Spanish monuments and you will be granted points. So you’re not just writing about wonderful buildings: you can get prizes!
The time of the contest will include all October and any information you may need is right here.
Join in and good luck!
PS: We would be grateful if you could translate this note into Marathi.
B25es on behalf of Wikimedia España.
Please remove this empty article. Excuse me for not knowing Marathi. -- १७:२३, १२ ऑक्टोबर २०१४ (IST)
- Removed by सदस्य:अभय नातू -- १४:४५, ३ जानेवारी २०१५ (IST)
Cannot create सदस्य:Guy Macon
[संपादन]I attempted to create an English-language user page at सदस्य:Guy Macon (See https://bpy.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%A6%86%E0%A6%A4%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%95%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%BE:Guy_Macon for an example) but got a "No for non Marathi languages and/or roman script !!!" Error.
(सावधान:स्वयमेव संपादन गाळणीने आपले संपादन कमी अथवा पुरेसे मराठी नसलेले अथवा वगळण्या जोग्या अमराठी भाषा अथवा रोमन लिपीचा उपयोग केला जात असण्याची शक्यता नोंदवली आहे. कृपया,संपादन खिडकीतील टाळण्याजोगे इंग्रजी आणि रोमनस्क्रिप्ट मधील लेखन 'वगळून' पुन्हा एकदा या संपादन खिडकी खाली "जतन करा येथे टिचकी मारा. हा संदेश चुकीने दाखवीला जात आहे असे वाटल्यास या पानावर संबंधीत त्रुटी नोंदवा.)
The "Exceptions in brief[लपवा]" page says "User pages of (only) Non-Marathi Wikipedians in english or Hindi" are allowed.
How do I create the page? --Guy Macon (talk) ०१:११, ३ जानेवारी २०१५ (IST)
- I got the same error when trying to post the above question. It worked after I added
- "(सावधान:स्वयमेव संपादन गाळणीने आपले संपादन कमी अथवा पुरेसे मराठी नसलेले अथवा वगळण्या जोग्या अमराठी भाषा अथवा रोमन लिपीचा उपयोग केला जात असण्याची शक्यता नोंदवली आहे. कृपया,संपादन खिडकीतील टाळण्याजोगे इंग्रजी आणि रोमनस्क्रिप्ट मधील लेखन 'वगळून' पुन्हा एकदा या संपादन खिडकी खाली "जतन करा येथे टिचकी मारा. हा संदेश चुकीने दाखवीला जात आहे असे वाटल्यास या पानावर संबंधीत त्रुटी नोंदवा.)"
- The edit filter should not prevent users from posting questions in english to the WikiEmbassy (विकिपीडिया:आंतरविकि दूतावास) page. --Guy Macon (talk) ०१:१८, ३ जानेवारी २०१५ (IST)
- This is a test post to see if I can post to this page. =-Guy Macon (talk) १३:२२, २७ फेब्रुवारी २०१५ (IST)
- It worked perfectly. No error message. Thanks for the help! :) --Guy Macon (talk) १३:२४, २७ फेब्रुवारी २०१५ (IST)
Pages for deletion
[संपादन]I would like to request sysops of this wiki, please have a look at वर्ग:संभाव्य प्रताधिकारित संचिका and take decesion on that pages/files/templates/user_pages/etc.. which comes in that category. All those pages are nominated for deletion.☆★संजीव कुमार (बातें) २२:३६, ६ मार्च २०१५ (IST)
Pages which redirect on itself
[संपादन]Please have a look at these pages:
- अल्वाये and अलुवा
- आंतरराष्ट्रीय गणना पद्धती and आंतरराष्ट्रीय मापन पद्धती
- उमा नाडगोंडे
- टी.एस. एलियट
- तेझपूर and तेजपूर
- न्याहाल पेठ
- मार्शल ब्रुस मॅथर्स, तिसरा
- मोहम्मद नजीबुल्लाह अहमदझाई
- सिवंदि आदितन and सिवंदी आदितन
- ॲन्ड्राइड
These are useless pages if not corrected..☆★संजीव कुमार (बातें) २३:०६, ६ मार्च २०१५ (IST)
- Other than that there are 103 pages which are redirected on the pages which are either doesn't exist or deleted. Please take action on them too.☆★संजीव कुमार (बातें) २३:०९, ६ मार्च २०१५ (IST)
research required
[संपादन]![]() |
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most-perfect magic square from the Parshvanath Jain temple in Khajuraho |
Hi! Some years ago I received a picture about a most-perfect magic square from the Parshvanath Jain temple in Khajuraho. According to magic square#India Magic Squares and Cubes By William Symes Andrews, 1908, Open court publish company the square is more then thousand years old / from the 10th-century. There is text above the square. Can anybody provide a translation and or additional details about this text?
testwiki:most-perfect magic square provides transliterations for a dozen of ISO 15924 scripts as Arab, Armn, Armi, Beng, Cyrl, Cyrs, Deva, Grek, Gujr, Guru, Hani, Hans, Hant, Hebr, Jpan, Knda, Kore, Latn including Roman numerals and binary), Lepc, Maya, Mlym, Mymr, Phnxl, Orya, Runr, Sinh, Syrc, Syre, Syrj, Syrn, Taml, Telu, Tibt, Xsux and maybe some more. The wiki source code can be used for articles / stubs in languages using these scripts. Fonts are not optimized and all comments are welcome at the test subdomain page at testwiki:most-perfect magic square. Thanks for all your efforts in advance! lɛʁi ʁɑjnhɑʁt (Leri Reinhart)
- PAGEID: 141918 · REVISIONID: -
short update (2015-08-19) :
- The numbers are w:en:Gurmukhi numerals written in the Guru script see testwiki:most-perfect magic square#Guru
- Thanks to Mahitgar the translation of the first two lines is available at https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=1003896#Epigraph .
- see the numerals in Deva at testwiki:most-perfect magic square#Deva
- Hi, Thanks for your message. I will enquire on Marathi language social network too to enquire about this. Mean while I suppose/suggest you might have requested info at hindi language wikipedia also.
Request for translation of गाहा सत्तसई to English
[संपादन]Hi, I am trying to write an article about गाहा सत्तसई in Bengali Wikipedia. I have noticed that there is more information in Marathi wiki about this article than the English one. I would like to request if someone from Marathi wiki can translate the article into English, so that I can utilise it in Bengali wiki. Thanks. -- Bodhisattwa (चर्चा) १२:२४, २८ सप्टेंबर २०१५ (IST)
- I myself did majior contribution in गाहा सत्तसई on mr-wiki (a little more work is still pending since original book is still not available online) Still it would be really nice if we could translate and update englsih wikipedia article, and I will search if we get any volunteers. I would also do it but that shall take a little longer time since I busy in lot of researcha nad updating article about en:Pole worship, en:Pole worship article is likely to need lot of intrawiki collaboration to take into account ancient customs from various global regions.
- Thanks and regards.
- माहितगार (-खुलं खुलं आभाळ तसा.. मीही खुला खुला.. दारं, खिडक्या, भिंती यांची.. सवय झाली तुला..? ) (चर्चा) २३:३९, २८ सप्टेंबर २०१५ (IST)
विकीपिडीया मध्ये आपले स्वागत
[संपादन]New Readers research
You may have heard that several teams at the Wikimedia Foundation are collaborating to do research in several countries as part of the New Readers project. The project aims for a better understanding of how people think about knowledge, learning, and the internet. With this, we can start to figure out why Wikipedia reading rates are so low in countries where internet usage is rising so quickly.
To learn this, we are doing qualitative research sprints in Mexico, Nigeria, and YES, India.
That’s where you come in. We want our research to reflect needs and experiences of Wikimedia communities throughout India. Specifically: what questions do you have about general internet users in India? What groups (language, professional, regional) would you like to know more about? What barriers do you believe exist for potential Wikipedia readers? You can see our key priorities for this research here.
If you have thoughts or questions, please email me at jsutherlandसाचा:@wikimedia.org! We will share our proposed research approach with your inputs incorporated wherever possible by next week. We're excited to work with you! JSutherland (WMF) (चर्चा) ०४:३२, १२ मे २०१६ (IST)
i want to communicate some one
[संपादन]Dear sir, my name is Pramod Dalvi, i want to ask some one that i would like to know job oppertunities in canada. i heard that in canada have a many
oppertunities regarding any job, but i dont have any source to connect with hindu societies in canada for helping perpose. so can i get help regarding given perpose,
my mail id is 1) "prmddlv@gmail.com", 2)"t20368@gmail.com", 3)mobile no.--- +919029463077 please anybody try to contect with me
मानवता सेवा प्रथम धर्म
[संपादन]हम और आप एक ही हे
Hi, I'm an admin on enWP where we recently deleted a bunch of articles forming a walled garden around this rapper (on enWP, see this discussion. I am not familiar with the inclusion/notability criteria here, but perhaps somebody should have a look and see whether this (unsourced) bio-stub meets the local inclusion criteria. I hope this is the right place for posting, if not, please let me know where to take this concern. Thanks! --Randykitty (चर्चा) १९:०१, १६ जानेवारी २०१७ (IST)
सदस्य:संदेश हिवाळे के सम्पादन पर ध्यान रक्खें
[संपादन]विकिपीडिया:चावडी/इतर चर्चा परसे निम्नलिखीत भाषा चर्चा स्थानांतरीत कि गई है
नमस्ते, हिन्दी विकिपीडिया में संदेश हिवाळे ने उपद्रव मचा दिया था और अब आङ्ग्लविकिपीडिया के बाद वहाँ भी उनको प्रतिबन्धित करने जा रहे हैं। सावधानी के लिये मराठीसमुदाय को सूचित करने के लिये मैं आया तब मैंने भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर लेख देखा तो मुझे पता चला कि यहाँ पूर्व ही हिन्दी जैसी स्थिति बना दी गई है। ये लेख उत्तम कक्षा से गिर कर प्रशंसात्मक लेख बन चुका है। अतः मैं आप सब से निवेदन करूँगा कि, हिन्दी विकिपीडिया के समान यहाँ भी कोई स्थायी कार्यवाही हो और प्रशंसा और प्रचार से विकिपीडिया की रक्षा की जाये। अस्तु। NehalDaveND (चर्चा) १६:०३, २७ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
- नेहल दवेजी, मराठी विकिपीडियन्सकी तरफसे सादर प्रणाम| हालाकी मराठी विकिपीडियन दुसरे विकिपीडिया कि नितीयो का अभ्यास रखते है फिर भी मराठी विकिपीडिया एक स्वतंत्र प्रकल्प है और अपनी निती स्वतंत्रतासे बनाता है| खास कर जिस पैमानेपर बाकी विकिपीडिया अंग्रेजी विकिओंकी नकल करते है उस पैमानेपर यंहा नकल नही की जाती|
- हां यह जरुर है की मराठी विकिपीडिया एक ज्ञानकोश है और ज्ञानकोश के निकषोकी तरफ उन्नत/अग्रेसर होने का ध्येय मराठी विकिपीडियाभी रखती है| फिर भी हम मराठी विकिपीडीयापर नए सदस्य आतेही नियमो की Phd करने की अपेक्षा नही रखते. नियमोको नियम से जादा संकेत करके देखते है| नये सदस्यको अपने आप सिखने का, समुदाय मे समाजाने का अधिकतम अवसर मराठी विकिपीडिया संस्कृती प्रदान करती है| संकेत और नियमोसे परिचय कराने के लिए शायद हम अधिक समय लेते है| फिर भी हमारी मंजील हामारे आंखोके सामने साफही होती है, इस बातकी चिंता न करें| आपने आपकी चिंता साझाकी है हम उसका आदर करते हुए भी मराठी विकिपीडिया का नए हमसफर को साथ लेकर चलने का ढंग कुछ अलग है|
- इस अवसर पर, नए सदस्योको अपनाने की अधिक कोशीश करने की हम आपसे प्रार्थना / गुजारीश करते है| आपको और हिंदी विकिपीडिया को हमारी ओर से बहोत सारी शुभकामनाएं |
- माहितगार (-खुलं खुलं आभाळ तसा.. मीही खुला खुला.. दारं, खिडक्या, भिंती यांची.. सवय झाली तुला..? ) (चर्चा) १६:४६, २७ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
- प्रचालकांना टीप. सदस्य नेहाल देव ज्यांनी तक्रार केली आहे ते संस्कृत वह हिंदी भाषांचे प्रचालक आहे. माझ्या व्यक्तिगत विचारात मी याना हिटलर म्हणतो. त्यांचा जिकर मी सदस्य:Tiven2240/मराठी विकिपीडियावरील माझ्या वैयक्तिक अनुभव इतेही केला आहे. माझे मत वेगळे असतील परंतु काही कठोर कारवाई करण्यापूर्वी माझेही हा टीप नोंद घ्यावी अशी माझी आशा --टायवीन२२४०माझ्याशी बोला १६:१४, २७ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
नेहल दवे जी, आप संस्कृत विकि को ही समुद्ध बनाने का कार्य करे, यहां की चिंता न करे। मुझे हिन्दी विकि का बेहद बुरा अनुभव रहा है, क्योंकि हिन्दी विकिपिडीयन्स सिर्फ आपको नये नये नियमों में बांधगे किंतु आपके किसी भी सहीं बातों पर भी ध्यान नहीं देंगे... हिन्दी विकि सदस्य अपनी बातें रेटने पर ही आगे है, इस मामले में मराठी विकि सदस्य उनके कई गुणा बेहतर है। सदस्य:Tiven2240, तुमच्या मताशी मी सहमत आहे. संदेश हिवाळे (चर्चा) १२:४६, २८ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
- सदस्य:Tiven2240/मराठी विकिपीडियावरील माझ्या वैयक्तिक अनुभव यहाँ कोई अनुभव मेरे विषय में नहीं मिला यदि है तो स्पष्ट बताएं। वैसे भी मैं यहाँ के ---- लोगो से बात करने नहीं आया। मुझे यहाँ के प्रबंधकों से @कोल्हापुरी, अभय नातू, Sankalpdravid, श्रीहरि, सुभाष राऊत, Kaustubh, Mahitgar, V.narsikar, Maihudon, Mvkulkarni23, आणि Rahuldeshmukh101Abhijitsathe: बात करनी है। यदि वो समझते हैं कि मैं जो कह रहा हूँ, वो अनुचित है, तो मुझे कोई आपत्ति नहीं है। मुझे मराठी समझ नहीं आती अतः मुझ पर व्यक्तिगत कोई प्रभाव नहीं पडेगा। परन्तु प्रबन्धकों का इस विषय पर ध्यान हो यही मेरा प्रयास है। अतः कोई प्रबन्धक इस विषय पर मुझ से बात करें यही मैं चाहूँगा। अस्तु। NehalDaveND (चर्चा) १३:५९, २८ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
@NehalDaveND: आप मुझे विकिपीडिया एशियाई महीना दौरान पेचनते थे और अब भूल गए। परंतु इससे मुझे कुछ नहीं। आपको में कहना चाहता हू जिसके बारेमे आप शिकायत किये है वह नया सदस्य है और मराठी विकिपीडिया पर हम प्रोत्साहन देते है नए लोगो को नाहीकी अपने नियमो का हवाला देते. मेरे इस बात का जिक्र एक प्रबंधक भी किये है. हमें मराठी विकिपेडिअपर इनसे कोई शिकायत नहीं है ऐसा मेरा और कही लोगो का मानना है उचित प्रबंधक आपसे यही कहेंगे। अस्तु --टायवीन२२४०माझ्याशी बोला १४:०८, २८ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
- उचित प्रबंधक अर्थात् जो आप से सहमत नहीं, वो उचित प्रबंधक नहीं होगा क्या? आपसे बात करके मैं अपना समय व्यर्थ नहीं कर सकता। प्रबंधक से उत्तर प्राप्त करके मैं शांत हो जाउंगा कि इस विषय पर प्रबंधकों का भी ध्यान है। अतिरिक्त मेरे लिये कोई भी बात महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं है। NehalDaveND (चर्चा) १४:४६, २८ फेब्रुवारी २०१७ (IST)
Delete my user page
[संपादन]Hi. When can I expect to have my user page deleted? It's been marked for deletion for almost three month now. -- Tegel (चर्चा) २२:२१, १ मार्च २०१७ (IST)
[संपादन]Mahitgar sir I am noticing some problem in marathi Wikipedia as it is only showing Marathi language and not English in it. At left of the page there is some setting in भाषा if we choose english its not showing english only marathi. The whole interface id not getting translated into english. Please see if there is any error. -- टायवीन२२४०💬💌🍻 १९:३६, ६ ऑक्टोबर २०१७ (IST)
- Tested and working, No technical problem detected. Either you may have experienced some temporary difficulty or it can be a problem with your browser or some thing.
- Thank you for your concern and visiting Marathi wikipedia.
- माहितगार (-खुलं खुलं आभाळ तसा.. मीही खुला खुला.. दारं, खिडक्या, भिंती यांची.. सवय झाली तुला..? ) (चर्चा) १९:४७, ७ ऑक्टोबर २०१७ (IST)
presenting the project Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory and asking for a vounteer in Marathi Wikipedia
[संपादन]Hello everyone, My name is Marc Miquel and I am a researcher from Barcelona (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). While I was doing my PhD I studied whether an identity-based motivation could be important for editor participation and I analyzed content representing the editors' cultural context in 40 Wikipedia language editions. Few months later, I propose creating the Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory in order to raise awareness on Wikipedia’s current state of cultural diversity, providing datasets, visualizations and statistics, and pointing out solutions to improve intercultural coverage.
I am presenting this project to a grant and I expect that the site becomes a useful tool to help communities create more multicultural encyclopaedias and bridge the content culture gap that exists across language editions (one particular type of systemic bias). For instance, this would help spreading cultural content local to Marathi Wikipedia into the rest of Wikipedia language editions, and viceversa, make Marathi Wikipedia much more multicultural. Here is the link of the project proposal: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Wikipedia_Cultural_Diversity_Observatory_(WCDO)
I am searching for a volunteer in each language community: I still need one for the Marathi Wikipedia. If you feel like it, you can contact me at: marcmiquel *at* gmail.com I need a contact in your every community who can (1) check the quality of the cultural context article list I generate to be imported-exported to other language editions, (2) test the interface/data visualizations in their language, and (3) communicate the existance of the tool/site when ready to the language community and especially to those editors involved in projects which could use it or be aligned with it. Communicating it might not be a lot of work, but it will surely have a greater impact if done in native language! :). If you like the project, I'd ask you to endorse it in the page I provided. In any case, I will appreciate any feedback, comments,... Thanks in advance for your time! Best regards, --Marcmiquel (चर्चा) २०:१३, १० ऑक्टोबर २०१७ (IST) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
- For translation of articals wikipedias do have transalation projects so do we have. Prima facia your project is statistical dash board. To my perception you need to give priority to sensitise global north in general and spanish in particular to first respect other cultures and specially tribal cultures and tribal religions in respectfull manner. Secondly you spend more time first on translating other cultures to your languages. Let me know how many numbers you have done already ?
- Here one artical offer to translate in spanish and catalan to you from my side as a test case. Please do get transalated en:Ceremonial pole artical to spanish, catalan and french, If we see you have done it then we will be happy to encourage volunteers to join your project.
Thanks and Regards
Mahitgar (चर्चा) २३:०४, १० ऑक्टोबर २०१७ (IST)
Request for translation and continued maintenance of a Meta page: Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong
[संपादन]Hello, guys,
I am WhisperToMe, a strategy coordinator for meta:Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong. In an effort to increase participation from Hong Kong's ethnic minority South Asian community, I am looking for Wikimedians interested in maintaining translations of the user group's pages in South Asian languages. If there are speakers of Marathi interested in not only creating a translation of the page, but also continually maintaining it as changes are made, please give me a ping. I think this would be very useful for the city's South Asian community.
Happy editing, WhisperToMe (चर्चा) १४:५६, १ मे २०१९ (IST)
@WhisperToMe: हॅलो मी तुम्हाला यात मदत करण्यात आनंद होईल (Hello I would be happy to help you with it) Rockpeterson (चर्चा) २०:२३, २ मे २०२० (IST)
Help with translation
[संपादन](I apologize for posting in English ): Dear colleagues, We are organizing a project called WPWP that focus on the use of images collected as part of various contest and photowalks on Wikipedia articles across all languages and our team needs your help with translations into the language of this community. Here is the translation link: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Translate&group=page-Wikipedia+Pages+Wanting+Photos&language=en&action=page&filter= I am sorry if I post in the won't venue. Thanks in anticipation. T Cells (चर्चा) ००:५८, १४ एप्रिल २०२० (IST)