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हॅरी पॉटर कथानकातील पात्रे

विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून
(लुना लव्हगुड या पानावरून पुनर्निर्देशित)
ह्या लेखाचा/विभागाचा इंग्रजी किंवा अमराठी भाषेतून मराठी भाषेत भाषांतर करावयाचे बाकी आहे. अनुवाद करण्यास आपलाही सहयोग हवा आहे. ऑनलाईन शब्दकोश आणि इतर सहाय्या करिता भाषांतर प्रकल्पास भेट द्या.

जे.के. रेलिंग यांच्या अनेक भागात प्रसिद्ध झालेल्या हॅरी पॉटर या कथानकात खूप पात्रे आहेत. त्या सर्व पात्रांची ही यादी आहे, त्यांतली काही पात्रे जे.के.रोलिंगच्या वेबसाइटवरील "विझार्ड ऑफ द मंथ" मध्ये आली आहेत आणि काही जे.के. रोलिंगच्या आयटीव्ही(ITV)वर दाखवलेल्या कथानकात आली आहेत.

ह्या यादीतील सर्व पात्रे त्यांच्या आडनावांप्रमाणे अकारविल्हे दिली आहेत, ज्या पात्राचे आडनाव कथानकात आलेले नाही, ते पात्र त्याच्या पहिल्या नावानुसार अनुक्रमित केले आहे. हॅरी पॉटरचे ८ चित्रपट आहेत व पुस्तकांचे ७ सीरिज आहेत.

पात्रांची यादी: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | क्ष | त्र | ज्ञ

पात्रांची यादी

पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
युआन अ‍ॅबरक्रोम्बी ग्रिफिंडर student who enters Hogwarts in Harry's fifth year
Hannah अ‍ॅबट Hufflepuff student in Harry Potter's year, landlady of the Leaky Cauldron and wife of Neville Longbottom, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
श्रीमती अ‍ॅबट The mother of Hannah Abbott, killed by Death Eaters
स्टीवर्ट अ‍ॅकरली रॅव्हनक्लॉ student who enters Hogwarts in Harry's fourth year
आयव्हानोव्हा Bulgarian क्विडिच Beater
अ‍ॅग्नेस Patient in the Janus Thickey Ward of St Mungo's
ऑल्डरटन Alleged Muggle-born sent to Azkaban in Deathly Hallows despite claiming relation to Arkie Alderton
अ‍ॅलगफ the Awful Foul smelling goblin who attempts to sell vials of his sweat to Dungbomb manufacturers
अँड्रॉस the Invincible Ancient Greek wizard, alleged to have a Patronus the size of a Giant
आर्ची Elderly wizard at the क्विडिच World Cup
आर्कस Thought to have taken the Elder Wand from Loxias
अ‍ॅरॅगॉग अ‍ॅक्रोमॅन्चुला belonging to Rubeus Hagrid, lives in the Forbidden Forest, dies in Half-Blood Prince
आर्चिबाल्ड ऑल्डरटन Blew up the town of Little Dropping in Hampshire
आर्की ऑल्डरटन Famous broomstick designer.
आमोल्ड Pygmy Puff belonging to Ginny Weasley
अ‍ॅव्हरी Death Eater, Slytherin student who befriended Severus Snape while at Hogwarts
One of the first Death Eaters, attended Hogwarts with Tom Marvolo Riddle
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
फाल्को ईझेलन Ancient Greek wizard, first known Animagus...
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
ऐडान किले क्विडिच खेळात, केनमेर क्रेस्टाल्स संघाचा सीकर.
Alecto Carrow Sister of Amycus Carrow, Death Eater and professor of Muggle Studies for one year
Alfred Cattermole Son of Reg and Mary Cattermole
Amycus Carrow Brother of Alecto Carrow, Death Eater and professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts for one year.
Andrew Kirke Gryffindor क्विडिच Beater during Harry's fifth year at school
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
हर्मायोनी ग्रेंजर १. ग्रिफिंडोर विभागाची मगल प्रजातीची छात्रा, जी हॅरी पॉटर बरोबर हॉग्वार्ट्झ मध्ये शिकत होती.
२. डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य.
३. रॉन विजलीची होणारी बायको.
४. हुगो विजली आणि रोझ विजलीची होणारी आई.
हेकटर ग्रेंजर
Alberic Grunnion Inventor of the Dungbomb
हेस्पर गँप See Hesper Black
Anthony Goldstein Ravenclaw student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Astoria Greengrass Sister of Daphne Greengrass, wife of Draco मॅल्फॉय, mother of Scorpius मॅल्फॉय
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
ॲमॉस डिगोरी Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, father of Cedric Diggory
Mrs डिगोरी Mother of Cedric Diggory, wife of Amos Diggory
सेड्रिक डिगोरी Hufflepuff student two years above Harry, school prefect, क्विडिच Seeker and captain, co-winner of the Triwizard Tournament, attended the Yule Ball with Cho Chang. Killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders.
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Agatha Chubb Wizarding archaeologist who found twelve lead Bludgers from the sixteenth century
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Angelina Johnson Gryffindor student two years above Harry, क्विडिच Chaser and captain, attended Yule Ball with Fred विजली, wife of George विजली and mother of Fred and रोक्झॅन विजली
Hestia Jones Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Arsenius Jigger Author of Magical Drafts and Potions
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Agatha Timms Owner of an eel farm, placed a bet with Ludo Bagman at the क्विडिच World Cup
Alberta Toothill Wizarding duellist, won the All-England competition in 1430 with a Blasting Charm, defeating the favoured Samson Wiblin
Andromeda Tonks Daughter of Cygnus ब्लॅक and Druella Rosier, disowned for marrying Muggle-born Ted Tonks, mother of Nymphadora Tonks and wife of Ted Tonks.
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
आल्बस पर्सीवल वुल्फ्रीक ब्रायन डंबलडोर १. पर्सीवल डंबलडोर आणि केंड्रा डंबलडोरचा मुलगा.
२. एबरफ्रोथ डंबलडोर आणि एरीयाना डंबलडोरचा भाऊ.
३. हॅरी पॉटरच्या वेळेत हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेचे मुख्याध्यापक.
४. टॉम रिडलच्या वेळेत ट्रांसफिगरेशंण हा जादुचा विषय शिकवणारे शिक्शक.
५. ऑर्डर ऑफ फीनिक्सचे संस्थापक.
६. प्रथम श्रेणीतल्या ऑर्डर ऑफ मर्लिन पुरस्काराचे मानकरी.
७. आंतर्राष्ट्रीय जादूगरांच्या संघटनेचे सुप्रीम मगवंप.
८. वीझेणगॅमोट संघटनेचे मुख्य वारलॉक.
होणोरीया डंबलडोर आल्बस डंबलडोरची काकू
केंड्रा डंबलडोर १. पर्सीवल डंबलडोरची बायको.
२. आल्बस डंबलडोर, एबरफ्रोथ डंबलडोर आणि एरीयाना डंबलडोरची आई.
पर्सीवल डंबलडोर १. केंड्रा डंबलडोरचा नवरा.
२. आल्बस डंबलडोर, एबरफ्रोथ डंबलडोर, आणि एरीयाना डंबलडोरचे वडील.
३. तीन मग्लसवर जादु करण्याच्या आरोपामुळे अझकबान मध्ये तुरुंगवासाची शिक्षा भोगत होते.
एबरफ्रोथ डंबलडोर १. पर्सीवल डंबलडोर आणि केंड्रा डंबलडोरचा मुलगा.
२. आल्बस डंबलडोर आणि एरीयाना डंबलडोरचा भाऊ.
३. हॉग्स हेडचा मालक
एरीयाना डंबलडोर १. पर्सीवल डंबलडोर आणि केंड्रा डंबलडोरची मुलगी.
२. एबरफ्रोथ डंबलडोर आणि आल्बस डंबलडोरची बहिण.
"डोड्जी" डर्क मगल प्रजातीचे पात्र ज्याचा सामना एका dragon बरोबर होतो.
Ivor Dillonsby Interviewed by Rita Skeeter for her book The Life and Lies of Albus डंबलडोर
Antonin Dolohov Death Eater, killed Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, and Remus Lupin
Apolline Delacour Wife of M. Delacour (first name unknown), mother of Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour
Armando Dippet Headmaster of Hogwarts in Tom Riddle's time
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Janus Thickey Namesake of the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
आल्बस सिवेरस पॉटर १. हॅरी पॉटर आणि जिनी विजलीचा मुलगा.
२. जेम्स सिरियस पॉटर आणि लिली लुना पॉटरचा भाऊ.
३. जेम्स पॉटर, लिली एवांस, आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली विजलीचा नातु.
चार्रलुस पॉटर डोरिया ब्लॅकचा नवरा.
जिनी पॉटर जिनी पॉटर हे जिनी विजलीचे हॅरी पॉटर बरोबर लग्न झाल्या नंतरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी जिनी विजली या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
जेम्स पॉटर १. लिली एवांसचा नवरा.
२. हॅरी पॉटरचे वडिल.
३. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेतील, ग्रिफिंडोर विभागाचा छात्र.
४. मॉरॉडर नावाच्या विध्यार्थी सौंस्थेचे सदस्य.
५. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेतील मुख्य हेड बॉय.
६. क्विडिच खेळात चेझर.
७. ऑर्डर ऑफ फीनिक्सचे सदस्य.
जेम्स सिरियस पॉटर १. हॅरी पॉटर आणि जिनी विजलीचा मुलगा.
२. आल्बस सिवेरस पॉटर आणि लिली लुना पॉटरचा भाऊ.
३. जेम्स पॉटर, लिली एवांस, आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली विजलीचा नातु.
४. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेतील, ग्रिफिंडोर विभागाचा छात्र.
हॅरी जेम्स पॉटर १. हॅरी पॉटर कथानकातील मुख्य पात्र.
२. जेम्स पॉटर आणि लिली एवांसचा मुलगा.
३. जिनी विजलीचा नवरा.
४. आल्बस सिवेरस पॉटर, जेम्स सिरियस पॉटर, आणि लिली लुना पॉटरचे वडिल.
५. टेडी टाँक्स लुपिंनचा धर्मपिता.
६. क्विडिच खेळात, ग्रिफिंडोर संघाचा कप्तान आणि सीकर.
७. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जादूगरांच्या संघटनेचे ऑरोर.
८. डंबलडोरच्या सेनेचा संस्थापक.
९. ईग्नोटस पेवेरेलचा वंशज.
१०. ट्रायविझार्ड चषकाचा वीजेता.
लिली लुना पॉटर १. हॅरी पॉटर आणि जिनी विजलीची मुलगी.
२. आल्बस सिवेरस पॉटर आणि जेम्स सिरियस पॉटरची बहिण.
३. जेम्स पॉटर, लिली एवांस, आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली विजलीची नात.
लिली पॉटर १. मगल जन्माची जेम्स पॉटरची बायको.
२. पेटुनीया एवांसची बहिण.
३. हॅरी पॉटरची आई.
४. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेतील, ग्रिफिंडोर विभागाची छात्रा.
५. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेतील मुख्य हेड गर्ल".
६. ऑर्डर ऑफ फीनिक्सची सदस्या.
अब्राहम पीसगूड एक अमेरीकी जादुगर ज्याने क्वॉडपॉट नावाच्या खेळाचा शोध केला होता.
आर्नोल्ड पीसगूड १. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जादूगरांच्या संघटनेचे नोकर.
२. Obliviator for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
३. trained hit-wizard
एड्रियान प्यूसे क्विडिच खेळात, स्लिधरिन संघाचा चेझर.
मॉली प्रीवेट १. फॅबीयंन प्रीवेट आणि गिडीयोन प्रीवेटची बहिण.
२. आर्थर विजलीची बायको.
३. बिल विजली, चार्ली विजली, फ्रेड विजली, जॉर्ज विजली, जिनी विजली, पर्सी विजलीआणि रॉन विजलीची यांची आई.
४. आल्बस सिवेरस पॉटर, जेम्स सिरियस पॉटर, लिली लुना पॉटर, फ्रेड विजली, रोक्झॅन विजली, ह्यूगो विजली, रोझ विजली, व्किटोरी विजली, डॉम्निक विजली, लुईस विजली, मॉली विजली, आणि लुसी विजली यांची आजी.
५. ऑर्डर ऑफ फीनिक्सची सदस्या.
Antioch Peverell Original owner of the Elder Wand, brother of Cadmus and Ignotus Peverell
Augustus Pye Trainee Healer at St Mungo's, treated Arthur Weasley in Order of the Phoenix
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Ambrosius Flume Owner of Honeydukes Sweetshop in Hogsmeade
Angus Fleet Muggle who spotted Arthur Weasley's flying Ford Anglia
Arabella Doreen Figg Squib neighbour of the Dursleys', member of the Order of the Phoenix.
Argus Filch Squib caretaker of Hogwarts
Fluffy Three-headed dog belonging to Rubeus Hagrid, protector of the philosopher's stone
Arkie Philpott Searched with a Probity Probe at Gringotts in Half-Blood Prince
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
आल्फर्ड ब्लॅक १. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक आणि ईरमा क्रॅबचा मुलगा.
२. सायग्नस ब्लॅक आणि वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. सिरियस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचा मामा.
४. सिरियस ब्लॅक जेव्हा पॉटर घराण्याबरोबर राहण्यास गेला होता, त्यावेळी त्याला पैश्यांची मदत केल्याबद्दल, आल्फर्ड ब्लॅकचा सामाजिक बहिष्कार झाला होता.
अँड्रोमेडा ब्लॅक अँड्रोमेडा ब्लॅक हे अँड्रोमेडा टाँक्सचे टेड टाँक्सच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया अँड्रोमेडा टाँक्स या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक १. हेस्पर गँपचा मुलगा.
२. मेलानीया मॅकमीलनचा नवरा.
३. लुक्रेटीया ब्लॅक आणि ओरायन ब्लॅकचे वडिल.
आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक आणि ऊर्सूला फ्लिंटचा मुलगा.
२. सिरियस ब्लॅक, फिनीस ब्लॅक, बेलवीना ब्लॅक आणि सायग्नस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. लायसँड्रा याक्स्लेचा नवरा.
४. कॅलीडोरा ब्लॅक, कॅरीस ब्लॅक, आणि सेड्रील्ला ब्लॅकचे वडील.
बिलीयाट्रिक्स ब्लॅक बिलीयाट्रिक्स ब्लॅक हे बिलीयाट्रिक्स लेस्ट्रेंजचे, रुडॉल्फस लेस्ट्रेंजच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपयाबिलीयाट्रिक्स लेस्ट्रेंज या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
बेलवीना ब्लॅक बेलवीना ब्लॅक हे बेलवीना ब्रूकचे, हर्बर्ट ब्रूकच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया बेलवीना ब्रूक या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
कॅलीडोरा ब्लॅक कॅलीडोरा ब्लॅक हे कॅलीडोरा लाँगबॉटमचे, हर्फांग लाँगबॉटमच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया कॅलीडोरा लाँगबॉटम या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
कॅसियोपीया ब्लॅक १. सायग्नस ब्लॅक आणि वायोलेट्टा बुलस्ट्रोडची मुलगी.
२. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक, मेरीयस ब्लॅक, आणि डॉरीया ब्लॅकची बहिण.
सेड्रील्ला ब्लॅक सेड्रील्ला ब्लॅक हे सेड्रील्ला विजलीचे, सेप्टिम्स विजलीच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया सेड्रील्ला विजली या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
कॅरीस ब्लॅक कॅरीस ब्लॅक हे कॅरीस क्राऊचचे, कॅस्पर क्राऊचच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया कॅरीस क्राऊच या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
सायग्नस ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक आणि ऊर्सूला फ्लिंटचा मुलगा.
२. सिरियस ब्लॅक, फिनीस ब्लॅक, बेलवीना ब्लॅक आणि आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
3. वायोलेट्टा बुलस्ट्रोडचा नवरा.
४. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक, कॅसियोपीया ब्लॅक, मेरीयस ब्लॅक, आणि डॉरीया ब्लॅकचे वडील.
सायग्नस ब्लॅक १. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक आणि ईरमा क्रॅबचा मुलगा.
२. वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅक आणि आल्फर्ड ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. ड्रूएला रोसीयरचा नवरा.
४. बिलीयाट्रिक्स ब्लॅक, अँड्रोमेडा ब्लॅक, आणि नारकिसा ब्लॅकचे वडील.
५. सिरियस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचा मामा.
६. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅकचा पणतू.
डॉरीया ब्लॅक १. सायग्नस ब्लॅक आणि वायोलेट्टा बुलस्ट्रोडची मुलगी.
२. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक आणि कॅसियोपीया ब्लॅकची बहिण.
३. चार्रलुस पॉटरच्या मूलाची आई.
ड्रूएला ब्लॅक १. सायग्नस ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. बिलीयाट्रिक्स ब्लॅक, अँड्रोमेडा ब्लॅक आणि नारकिसा ब्लॅकची आई.
एलाडोरा ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक, सिरियस ब्लॅक, आणि इस्ला ब्लॅकची बहिण.
हेस्पर ब्लॅक १. सिरियस ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक, लायकोरीस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस ब्लॅकची आई.
ईरमा ब्लॅक १. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅक, आल्फर्ड ब्लॅक आणि सायग्नस ब्लॅकची आई.
इस्ला ब्लॅक इस्ला ब्लॅक हे इस्ला हिटचेन्सचे, बॉब हिटचेन्सच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया इस्ला हिटचेन्स या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
लुक्रेटीया ब्लॅक लुक्रेटीया ब्लॅक हे लुक्रेटीया प्रीवेटचे, ईग्नॅटीयस प्रीवेटच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया लुक्रेटीया प्रीवेट या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
लायकोरीस ब्लॅक १. सिरियस ब्लॅक आणि हेस्पर गँपची मुलगी.
२. आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस ब्लॅकची बहिण.
लायसँड्रा ब्लॅक १. आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. कॅलीडोरा ब्लॅक, कॅरीस ब्लॅक आणि सेड्रील्ला ब्लॅकची आई.
मेरीयस ब्लॅक १. सायग्नस ब्लॅक आणि वायोलेट्टा बुलस्ट्रोडचा मुलगा.
२. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक, कॅसियोपीया ब्लॅक आणि डॉरीया ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. जन्मतःच जादुगिरी येत नसल्यामुळे, स्क्विब या नावाने सामाजिक बहिष्कार झाला होता.
मेलानीया ब्लॅक १. आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. लुक्रेटीया ब्लॅक आणि ओरायन ब्लॅकची आई.
नारकिसा ब्लॅक नारकिसा ब्लॅक हे नारकिसा मॅल्फॉयचे, लुसियस मॅल्फॉयच्या बरोबर लग्नाअगोदरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया नारकिसा मॅल्फॉय या पात्राची माहिती वाचा.
ओरायन ब्लॅक १. आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक आणि मेलानीया मॅकमीलनचा मुलगा.
२. लुक्रेटीया ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅकचा नवरा.
४. सिरियस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचे वडील.
फिनीस ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक आणि ऊर्सूला फ्लिंटचा मुलगा.
२. सिरियस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. सायग्नस ब्लॅक, बेलवीना ब्लॅक आणि आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक.
४. मगल प्रजातीच्या लोकांच्या हक्कांसाठी लढल्या बद्दल सामाजिक बहिष्कार झाला होता.
फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक १. सिरियस ब्लॅक, एलाडोरा ब्लॅक, आणि इस्ला ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
२. ऊर्सूला फ्लिंटचा नवरा.
३. सिरियस ब्लॅक, फिनीस ब्लॅक, सायग्नस ब्लॅक, बेलवीना ब्लॅक आणि आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचे वडील.
४. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेचे मुख्याध्यापक.
पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक १. सायग्नस ब्लॅक आणि वायोलेट्टा बुलस्ट्रोडचा मुलगा.
२. कॅसियोपीया ब्लॅक, मेरीयस ब्लॅक आणि डॉरीया ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. ईरमा क्रॅबचा नवरा.
४. वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅक, आल्फर्ड ब्लॅक आणि सायग्नस ब्लॅकचे वडील.
रेग्युलस आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक १. ओरायन ब्लॅक आणि वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅकचा मुलगा.
२. सिरियस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. क्विडिच खेळात, स्लिधरिन संघाचा सीकर.
४. डेथ इटर.
रेग्युलस ब्लॅक १. सिरियस ब्लॅक आणि हेस्पर गँपचा मुलगा.
२. लायकोरीस ब्लॅक आणि आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
सिरियस ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक, एलाडोरा ब्लॅक आणि इस्ला ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
२. लहान वयात मेला.
सिरियस ब्लॅक १. ओरायन ब्लॅक आणि वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅकचा मुलगा.
२. रेग्युलस आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
३. हॅरी पॉटरचा धर्मपिता
४. हॉग्वार्ट्झ शाळेतील, ग्रिफिंडोर विभागाचा छात्र.
५. ऍनिमॅगस जातीचा जादूगर.
६. पॉटर घराण्याबरोबर राहण्यास गेल्यामूळे सामाजिक बहिष्कार झाला होता.
७. ऑर्डर ऑफ फीनिक्सचे सदस्य.
८. बिलीयाट्रिक्स ब्लॅक, जी त्याची मामे बहिण होती, तिच्या हातून मारला गेलेला.
सिरियस ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅक आणि ऊर्सूला फ्लिंटचा मुलगा.
२. हेस्पर गँपचा नवरा.
३. फिनीस ब्लॅक, सायग्नस ब्लॅक, बेलवीना ब्लॅक आणि आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकचा भाऊ.
४. आर्कट्रस ब्लॅक, लायकोरीस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस ब्लॅकचे वडील.
उरसूला ब्लॅक १. फिनीस निगेलस ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. सिरियस ब्लॅक फिनीस ब्लॅक, सायग्नस ब्लॅक, बेलवीना ब्लॅक आणि आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकची आई.
वायोलेटा ब्लॅक १. सायग्नस ब्लॅकची बायको.
२. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक, कॅसियोपीया ब्लॅक, मेरीयस ब्लॅक आणि डॉरीया ब्लॅकची आई.
वॉलबुर्गा ब्लॅक १. पॉल्यूक्स ब्लॅक आणि ईरमा क्रॅबची मुलगी.
२. आल्फर्ड ब्लॅक आणि सायग्नस ब्लॅकची बहिण.
३. ओरायन ब्लॅकची बायको.
४. सिरियस ब्लॅक आणि रेग्युलस आर्कट्रस ब्लॅकची आई.
Ali Bashir Flying carpet merchant who attempts unsuccessfully to establish a flying carpet business in Britain in Goblet of Fire, on the grounds that there is a market for a "family vehicle."
Amelia Susan Bones Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, aunt of Susan Bones
Amy Benson Girl at the orphanage with Tom Marvolo Riddle.
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Abraxas मॅल्फॉय Grandfather of Draco मॅल्फॉय, father of लुसियस मॅल्फॉय, died of Dragon Pox
Brutus मॅल्फॉय Ancestor of लुसियस मॅल्फॉय and editor of Warlock at War, an anti
Draco मॅल्फॉय Slytherin student in Harry's year, Slytherin क्विडिच Seeker, school prefect, member of the Inquisitorial Squad, son of लुसियस मॅल्फॉय and नारकिसा ब्लॅक, husband of Astoria Greengrass, father of Scorpius मॅल्फॉय, reformed Death Eater
लुसियस मॅल्फॉय Son of Abraxas मॅल्फॉय, husband of नारकिसा ब्लॅक, father of Draco मॅल्फॉय, grandfather of Scorpius मॅल्फॉय, wealthy reformed Death Eater
नारकिसा मॅल्फॉय Daughter of Cygnus Black and ड्रूएला रोसीयर, wife of लुसियस मॅल्फॉय and mother of Draco मॅल्फॉय, grandmother of Scorpius मॅल्फॉय, sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks, cousin of Sirius Black
Scorpius Hyperion मॅल्फॉय Son of Draco मॅल्फॉय and Astoria Greengrass, grandson of लुसियस मॅल्फॉय and नारकिसा ब्लॅक
MacFusty clan A Wizarding family from the Hebrides Islands, they care for the Hebridean ब्लॅक dragons
Alasdair Maddox क्विडिच Chaser for the Montrose Magpies
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody Retired Auror, member of the Order of the Phoenix, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in Goblet of Fire (though he was impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr), was killed in Seventh Book by Death Eaters
Annie Maddock Faithful house
Araminta Meliflua Cousin of Sirius ब्लॅक's mother, attempted to legalise Muggle-hunting
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
लायसँड्रा याक्स्ले See Lysandra Black
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
टॉम मारवोलो रिडल Son of Tom Riddle and Merope Gaunt, Dark Wizard, last living descendant of Salazar Slytherin, descendant of Cadmus Peverell, Slytherin student at Hogwarts, school prefect and Head Boy, leader of the Death Eaters
Madam Rosmerta Proprietor of the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade
Augustus Rookwood Death Eater, spy working in the Department of Mysteries
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Aidan Lynch Irish क्विडिच Seeker
बेलॅट्रीक्स Lestrange १. Daughter of सिग्नस ब्लॅक and Druella Rosier.
२. Slytherin student before Harry's time
३. Death Eater
४. नार्सिसा मॅल्फॉय व अन्ड्रोमेडा टॉन्क्स यांची बहिण
५. cousin of सिरीयस ब्लॅक
६. wife of रुडोल्फस Lestrange,
Algie लाँगबॉटम Great Uncle of Neville लाँगबॉटम, gave Trevor to Neville
Alice लाँगबॉटम(née Prewett) Mother of Neville लाँगबॉटम, wife of Frank लाँगबॉटम, member of the original Order of the Phoenix, Auror
Augusta लाँगबॉटम Mother of Frank लाँगबॉटम and grandmother of Neville लाँगबॉटम
Callidora लाँगबॉटम Daughter of Arcturus Black and लायसँड्रा याक्स्ले, sister of कॅरीस ब्लॅक and Cedrella Black, mother of one son and one daughter, married to Harfang लाँगबॉटम
Enid लाँगबॉटम Great Aunt of Neville लाँगबॉटम
Frank लाँगबॉटम Father of Neville लाँगबॉटम, son of Augusta लाँगबॉटम, husband of Alice लाँगबॉटम, member of the original Order of the Phoenix, Auror
Hannah लाँगबॉटम See Hannah Abbott
Harfang लाँगबॉटम Husband of Callidora Black, father of one son and one daughter
Neville लाँगबॉटम Gryffindor student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, son of Aurors Frank and Alice लाँगबॉटम, eventual Herbology professor at Hogwarts, husband of Hannah Abbott
Artemisia Lufkin First witch to become Minister for Magic, JKR's Wizard of the Month for February 2005
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
आर्थर विजली मॉली प्रीवेटचा नवरा.
बिल विजली, चार्ली विजली, फ्रेड विजली, जॉर्ज विजली, जिनी विजली, पर्सी विजली, आणि रॉन विजलीचे वडील,
आल्बस Severus, James Sirius, लिली लुना पॉटर, फ्रेड विजली, रोक्झॅन विजली, ह्यूगो विजली, Rose विजली, Victoire विजली, डॉम्निक विजली, लुईस विजली, मॉली विजली, आणि लुसी विजलीचे आजोबा.
Ministry of Magic official in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
Ministry of Magic official in the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects
member of the Order of the Phoenix
Audrey विजली Wife of पर्सी विजली
सेड्रील्ला विजली Daughter of Arcturus ब्लॅक आणि Lysandra Yaxley,
sister of Callidora ब्लॅक आणि Charis ब्लॅक
disowned for marrying a विजली
married to सेप्टिम्स विजली
चार्ली विजली Son of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट,
Gryffindor क्विडिच Seeker
school prefect
member of the Order of the Phoenix
works with dragons in Romania
डॉम्निक विजली Daughter of बिल विजली आणि Fleur Delacour, sister of Victoire विजली आणि लुईस विजली
Errol Owl belonging to the विजली family
Fleur विजली See Fleur Delacour
फ्रेड विजली Son of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट
identical twin of जॉर्ज विजली,
डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
attended the Yule Ball with Angelina Johnson
Gryffindor क्विडिच Beater
co-owner of विजलीs' Wizard Wheezes
killed by a Death Eater at Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows
फ्रेड विजली Son of जॉर्ज विजली आणि Angelina Johnson
रोक्झॅन विजलीचा भाउ
जॉर्ज विजली Son of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट
फ्रेड विजली याचा जुळा भाउ
father of फ्रेड विजली आणि रोक्झॅन विजली
Husband of Angelina Johnson
डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Gryffindor क्विडिच Beater
co-owner of विजलीs' Wizard Wheezes
Ginevra मॉली "जिनी" विजली Only daughter of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट
wife of Harry Potter
mother of आल्बस Severus, James, आणि Lily Potter
Gryffindor student one year under Harry
Gryffindor क्विडिच Seeker आणि Chaser
डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Hermes Owl belonging to पर्सी विजलीचे घुबड.
हर्मायोनी विजली हर्मायोनी विजली हे हर्मायोनी ग्रेंजरचे रॉन विजली बरोबर लग्न झाल्या नंतरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी येथे टिचकी द्या.
ह्यूगो विजली Son of रॉन विजली आणि Hermione Granger
brother of Rose विजली
लुईस विजली Son of बिल विजली आणि Fleur Delacour
brother of Victoire आणि डॉम्निक विजली
लुसी विजली Daughter of पर्सी विजली आणि Audrey
sister of मॉली विजली
मॉली विजली Daughter of पर्सी विजली आणि Audrey
sister of लुसी विजली
मॉली विजली मॉली विजली हे मॉली प्रीवेटचे आर्थर विजली बरोबर लग्न झाल्या नंतरचे नाव. पुढील माहितीसाठी कृपया येथे टिचकी द्या.
पर्सी ईग्नोटस विजली Son of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट
Gryffindor prefect
gryffindor Head Boy
Ministry of Magic employee
fought against the Death Eaters in Deathly Hallows
Husband of Audrey विजली
father of मॉली विजली आणि लुसी विजली
Ronald Bilius "रॉन" विजली Son of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट
husband of Hermione Granger
father of ह्यूगो विजली आणि Rose विजली
Gryffindor क्विडिच Keeper
school prefect
डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Rose विजली Daughter of रॉन विजली आणि Hermione Granger
sister of ह्यूगो विजली
रोक्झॅन विजली Daughter of जॉर्ज विजली आणि Angelina Johnson
Scabbers Rat belonging to पर्सी विजली आणि later रॉन विजली; actually Peter Pettigrew
सेप्टिम्स विजली Husband of सेड्रील्ला ब्लॅक, father of आर्थर विजली
Victoire विजली Daughter of बिल विजली आणि Fleur Delacour, sister of डॉम्निक विजली आणि लुईस विजली.
William आर्थर "बिल" विजली Son of आर्थर विजली आणि मॉली प्रीवेट
husband of Fleur Delacour
father of Victoire विजली, डॉम्निक विजली आणि लुईस विजली
Hogwarts prefect
hogwarts Head Boy
member of the Order of the Phoenix
Gringotts employee
”Honest Willy” Wagstaff Street peddler accused of selling defective merchandise in Diagon Alley
Adalbert Waffling Magical theoretician and author Magical Theory
Josef Wronski Polish क्विडिच Seeker for the Grodzisk Goblins, inventor of the Wronski Feint
Augustus Worme Editor at Obscurus Books who commissioned Newt Scamander to write an authoritative compendium of magical creatures
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Alicia Spinnet Gryffindor क्विडिच Chaser, two years above Harry
Almerick Sawbridge Conquered a river troll at the Wye River
captain of the monstrous fishers.
Hesper Starkey Studied how the phases of the moon affects potion making
Aurora Sinistra Professor of Astronomy at Hogwarts
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
रुबियस हॅग्रिड Son of Hagrid and Fridwulfa, expelled Gryffindor student, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts, Care of Magical Creatures professor, member of the Order of the Phoenix, half-giant, half brother to Grawp
इस्ला हिटचेन्स Sister of Phineas Nigellus, Sirius and Elladora Black, disowned for marrying Muggle बॉब हिटचेन्स
पात्राचे नाव वर्णन
Fabian Prewett Brother of Molly Weasley and Gideon Prewett, member of the original Order of the Phoenix
ईग्नॅटीयस प्रीवेट Husband of लुक्रेटीया ब्लॅक, paternal uncle of Sirius Black
Apollyon Pringle Caretaker at Hogwarts before Argus Filch
B. Dunstan Hogwarts student while Harry is attending the school.
Balfour Blane Established the Committee on Experimental Charms
Bane Centaur who lives in the Forbidden Forest
Barberus Bragge Chief of the Wizards' Council, introduced the Golden Snitch to क्विडिच.
Barnabas Cuffe Editor of the Daily Prophet
Barnabas Deverill One-time owner of the Elder Wand, killed by Loxias
Barnabas the Barmy Subject of a tapestry on the seventh floor of Hogwarts, attempted to dance with trolls
Barnaby Ollerton Co-founder of the Cleansweep Broom Company with his brothers Bill and Bob
Barry Ryan Irish क्विडिच Keeper
Bartemius “Barty” Crouch Jr Death Eater, son of Barty Crouch Sr
Bartemius “Barty” Crouch Sr Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, father of Barty Crouch Jr
Baruffio Namesake of Baruffio's Brain Elixir
Basil Ministry official at the क्विडिच World Cup, wears a kilt and poncho in an attempt to replicate Muggle clothing
Basil Horton क्विडिच player for the Falmouth Falcons, co-founded Comet Trading Company with Randolph Keitch, co-creator of the Horton-Keitch Braking Charm
Bathilda Bagshot Author of A History of Magic, Great Aunt of Gellert Grindelwald.
Bathsheda Babbling Ancient Runes teacher at Hogwarts
Beatrix Bloxam (1794-1910) Author of the banned children's book series The Toadstool Tales
Beaumont Marjoribanks Pioneering herbologist, sometimes falsely credited with discovering gillyweed (Elladora Ketteridge discovered it about a century earlier)
Beedle the Bard Author of several Wizarding fairy tales, including The Tale of the Three Brothers
Belvina ब्लॅक See Belvina Burke
Belvina Burke Daughter of Phineas Nigellus ब्लॅक and ऊर्सूला फ्लिंट, sister of Sirius, Phineas, Cygnus and Arcturus ब्लॅक, wife of Herbert Burke, mother of two sons and one daughter.
Benjy Fenwick Member of the original Order of the Phoenix
Benjy Williams क्विडिच Seeker for Puddlemere United
Bertha Jorkins Hogwarts student before Harry's time, Ministry of Magic employee in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, killed by Peter Pettigrew on Lord Voldemort's orders
Bertie Bott Creator of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
Bertie Higgs Hunting partner of Tiberius McLaggen
Bertram Aubrey Hogwarts student bullied by James Potter and Sirius ब्लॅक
Bertrand de Pensées-Profondes A wizarding philosopher who wrote A study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter
Reporter for the Daily Prophet.
Bilius Uncle of the Weasley children, died twenty-four hours after seeing a Grim
Bill Ollerton Co-founder of the Cleansweep Broom Company with his brothers Barnaby and Bob
Billy Stubbs Boy at Tom Marvolo Riddle's orphanage
Binky Rabbit belonging to Lavender Brown
Blaise Zabini Slytherin student in Harry's year
Blenheim Stalk Author of Muggles Who Notice, Muggle expert
Bletchley Ministry of Magic employee whose office was drenched with rain
Blodwyn Bludd Vampire who was known as the 'Vampire of the Valleys'. Famous for singing to his victims before biting them in their neck.
बॉब हिटचेन्स Muggle who married इस्ला ब्लॅक (sister of Phineas Nigellus Black)
Bob Ogden Ministry of Magic official in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Bob Ollerton Co-founder of the Cleansweep Broom Company with his brothers Barnaby and Bill
Bogrod Elderly goblin who works at Gringotts
Bole Slytherin क्विडिच Beater
Bowman Wright Creator of the Golden Snitch, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for December 2005
Bozo Photographer for the Daily Prophet
Bradley Chaser on the Ravenclaw क्विडिच team during Harry's time at Hogwarts.
Bridget Wenlock Arithmancer, established the magical properties of the number seven, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for August 2005
Broderick Bode Ministry of Magic employee in the Department of Mysteries, killed by Devil's Snare
Brother Benedict Muggle monk who had an encounter with a Jarvey
Brother Boniface Muggle monk, maker of turnip wine
Bruno Schmidt Child from जर्मनी who kills an Erkling with a collapsible cauldron
Brutus Scrimgeour Author of The Beater's Bible
Buckbeak (a.k.a. Witherwings) Hippogriff belonging at various times to Rubeus Hagrid, Sirius ब्लॅक and Harry Potter
Buckley Cooper Daily Prophet reader
Burdock Muldoon Chief of the Wizards' Council, set the criteria for what defines a “being”
C. Warrington Slytherin क्विडिच Chaser three years ahead of Harry, member of the Inquisitorial Squad
Cadmus Peverell Original owner of the Resurrection Stone, brother of Antioch and Ignotus Peverell, ancestor of the Gaunt family and Lord Voldemort
Cadwallader Hufflepuff क्विडिच Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Caradoc Dearborn Member of the original Order of the Phoenix
Caratacus Burke Co-founder of Borgin and Burkes. Cheated Merope Gaunt, buying a precious heirloom from her at a pittance. Murdered by Tom Riddle as punishment for this.
Carlotta Pinkstone Proponent of lifting the Statute of Secrecy, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for November 2005
कॅस्पर क्राऊच Husband of कॅरीस ब्लॅक, father of one son and two daughters
Cassandra Trelawney Great-great-grandmother of Sybill Trelawney
Cassandra Vablatsky Seer and author of Unfogging the Future
Catriona McCormack Mother of Kirley Duke and Meghan McCormack, Scottish क्विडिच Chaser, captain of Puddlemere United
Cecilia Girlfriend of Tom Riddle Sr before Merope gives him the love potion
Celestina Warbeck Singer on the Wizarding Wireless Network
Chambers Ravenclaw क्विडिच Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
कॅरीस क्राऊच Daughter of Arcturus Black and लायसँड्रा याक्स्ले, wife of कॅस्पर क्राऊच, mother of one son and two daughters
Charity Burbage Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts during Harry's time at school.
Cho Chang Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, क्विडिच Seeker, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, dates Cedric Diggory, Harry Potter, Roger Davies and Michael Corner . Attends the Yule Ball with Cedric Diggory.
Ciceron Harkiss Student of Horace Slughorn, gave Ambrosius Flume his first job
Circe Ancient Greek enchantress
Cliodna Irish druidess, Animagus, discovered the properties of Moondew
Colin Creevey Muggle-born Gryffindor student one year below Harry, brother of Dennis Creevey, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, killed in seventh book
Colonel Fubster Friend of Marge Dursley
Connolly Beater for the Irish national क्विडिच team
Cormac McLaggen Gryffindor क्विडिच Keeper for one game in Half-Blood Prince
Cornelius Agrippa Wizard imprisoned by Muggles for his “evil” writings
Cornelius Oswald Fudge Former Minister for Magic
Crabbe Sr Death Eater, father of Vincent Crabbe
Crispin Cronk Sent to Azkaban for keeping sphinxes in his backyard
Croaker Ministry of Magic employee in the Department of Mysteries
Crookshanks Half-cat/half-kneazle belonging to Hermione Granger
Cuthbert Binns Ghost, History of Magic professor.
Cuthbert Mockridge Head of the Goblin Liaison Office
Cyprian Youdle क्विडिच referee who was killed during a match
Dagbert Pips Proprietor of Pumpkins R Us
Daisy Dodderidge Builder and landlady of the Leaky Cauldron, J. K. Rowling’s Wizard of the Month for March 2006
Daisy Hookum Author of My Life as a Muggle, wife of Tilden Toots, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for June 2006
Daisy Pennifold Created a special Quaffle called the Pennifold Quaffle
Damocles Inventor of the Wolfsbane Potion, uncle of Marcus Belby, awarded the Order of Merlin
Dangerous Dai Llewellyn क्विडिच player for the Caerphilly Catapults. Has a ward named after him in St Mungo's
Daphne Greengrass Slytherin student in Harry's year, older sister of Astoria Greengrass
Darren O'Hare क्विडिच Keeper for the Kenmare Kestrals, captain of the Irish National Team, inventor of the Hawkshead Attacking Formation
Davy Gudgeon Hogwarts student before Harry's time at school
Dean Thomas Gryffindor student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, boyfriend of Ginny Weasley, Gryffindor क्विडिच Chaser
Dedalus Diggle Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Demelza Robins Gryffindor क्विडिच Chaser during Harry's sixth at Hogwarts
Demetrius J. Prod Gave a testimonial on Kwikspell
Dempster Wiggleswade Writer for the Daily Prophet
Dennis Friend of Dudley Dursley
Dennis Bishop Boy at the orphanage with Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Dennis Creevey Muggle-born Gryffindor student three years below Harry, brother of Colin Creevey, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Derek Hogwarts student two years under Harry
Derrick Beater for the Slytherin क्विडिच team, three years above Harry
Derwent Shimpling Comedian, ate an entire Venomous Tentacula and survived, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for January 2005
Devlin Whitehorn Founder of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company, revolutionised क्विडिच, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for November 2004
Dexter Fortescue Hogwarts Headmaster
Dilys Derwent St Mungo's Healer and Headmistress of Hogwarts
Dimitrov Chaser for the Bulgarian national क्विडिच team
Dirk Cresswell Muggle-born Head of the Goblin Liaison Office
Dobby House-elf belonging to the मॅल्फॉय family, set free by Harry in Chamber of Secrets killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in Deathly Hallows
Dolores Jane Umbridge Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Hogwarts High Inquisitor, sent to Azkaban for crimes against Muggle-borns, claims relation to the pure-blood Selwyn family
Donaghan Tremlett Muggle-born bassist for the Weird Sisters, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for July 2004
Dorcas Meadowes Member of the original Order of the Phoenix
Dorcas Wellbeloved Founder of the Society for Distressed Witches
Doris Crockford Meets Harry Potter in the Leaky Cauldron on the day Harry returns to the Wizarding world
Doris Purkiss Claimed in The Quibbler that Sirius Black and Stubby Boardman were the same person
Dot Muggle resident of Little Hangleton
Dragomir Gorgovitch क्विडिच Chaser with the Chudley Cannons
Druella Rosier See Druella Black
Dudley Dursley Son of Vernon Dursley and Petunia Evans, first cousin of Harry Potter
Dugald McClivert Head of the McClivert clan
Dunbar Oglethorpe Chief of क्विडिच Union for the Administration and Betterment of the British League and its Endeavours (Q.U.A.B.B.L.E.)
Duncan Inglebee Ravenclaw क्विडिच Beater during Harry's time at school
Dymphna Furmage Witch who is terrified of pixies
Dzou Yen Chinese alchemist
Eargit the Ugly Goblin representative to the Wizard's Council in the fourteenth century
Eddie Carmichael Ravenclaw student one year above Harry Potter
Edgar Bones Member of the original Order of the Phoenix, brother of Amelia Susan Bones, uncle of Susan Bones
Edgar Clogg Ghost who hangs around the Hogwarts क्विडिच pitch
Edgar Stroulger Inventor of the Sneakoscope
Egbert the Egregious Murdered Emeric the Evil to gain possession of the Elder Wand
Eileen Prince See Eileen Snape
Eileen Snape (née Prince) Pure-blood wife of Tobias Snape, mother of Severus Snape, captain of the Hogwarts Gobstones Club
Eldred Worple Author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires
Eleanor Branstone Hufflepuff student who entered Hogwarts in Harry's fourth year.
Elfric the Eager Responsible for an uprising
Elfrida Clagg Chieftainess of the Warlock's Council, made the Golden Snidget a protected species, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for June 2005
Elias Grimstone Broommaker who created the Oakshaft 79
Elladora Guffy Neighbour of Ethelbart Mordaunt
Elladora Ketteridge Discovered the use of gillyweed
Ellerby Manufacturer of the 1940 Tinderblast broom
Ellie Cattermole Daughter of Reg and Mary Cattermole
Elliot Smethwyk Created the Cushioning Charm
Eloise Midgen Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school, has an acne problem
Elphias Doge Member of the original Order of the Phoenix, Special Advisor to the Wizengamot, long-time friend of Albus डंबलडोर
Elsie Prod Widow of Demetrius Prod
Emeric Switch Author of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
Emeric the Evil Possessor of the Elder Wand, killed by Egbert the Egregious
Emma Dobbs Hogwarts student three years below Harry
Emmeline Vance Member of the Order of the Phoenix, murdered by Death Eaters
Eric Munch Watchwizard at the Ministry of Magic, arrests Sturgis Podmore
Erica Stainwright Disgraced housekeeping guru, Wizard of the Month for August 2006
Ernie Macmillan Hufflepuff student in Harry's year, school prefect, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Ernie Prang Driver of the Knight Bus
Ethelbard Mordaunt Neighbour of Elladora Guffy
Ethelred the Ever-Ready Wizard known for being easily offended
Eunice Murray क्विडिच Seeker for the Montrose Magpies
Evan Rosier Slytherin student, friend of Severus Snape while at Hogwarts, killed by Aurors
Everard Headmaster of Hogwarts, a particularly famous wizard, whose portrait hangs in many institutions, including the Ministry of Magic
Fabius Watkins Captain and Chaser of Montrose Magpies क्विडिच team, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for May 2006
Fang Boarhound belonging to Rubeus Hagrid
Faris “Spout Hole” Spavin Minister for Magic
Fawkes Phoenix belonging to Albus डंबलडोर
Felix Summerbee Inventor of Cheering Charms, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for May 2004 and May 2005
Fenrir Greyback Werewolf, Death Eater, infected Remus Lupin, maimed Bill Weasley
Fergus Cousin of Seamus Finnigan
Fifi LaFolle Author of the Enchanted Encounters book series, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for October 2005
Filius Flitwick Part-Goblin Charms professor at Hogwarts and Head of Ravenclaw
Fingal the Fearless Irish wizard who was an Aingingein champion
Firenze Centaur, professor of Divination at Hogwarts
Flavius Belby First wizard to write about the lethifold.
Fleur Delacour Daughter of Apolline and M. Delacour (first name unknown), sister of Gabrielle Delacour, wife of Bill Weasley, mother of Victoire, डॉम्निक विजली and Louis Weasley, participated in the Triwizard Tournament representing Beauxbatons
Florean Fortescue Owner of an ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley. Helped Harry Potter with his homework and gave him free ice cream. Victim of the Death Eaters.
Florence Contemporary of Bertha Jorkins
Food Trolley Lady Itinerant trader on the Hogwarts Express.
Frank Bryce Muggle gardener for the Riddle family, murdered by Lord Voldemort.
Fridwulfa Giant, mother of Rubeus Hagrid and Grawp
Fulbert the Fearful Never left his house because of his cowardice, died when a Defensive Charm he cast caused his roof to collapse
Gabrielle Delacour Daughter of Apolline and M. Delacour (first name unknown), sister of Fleur Delacour
Galatea Merrythought Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts before Harry's time at school
Galvin Gudgeon क्विडिच Seeker for the Chudley Cannons
Gaspard Shingleton Inventor of the Self-Stirring Cauldron, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for September 2005
Gawain Robards Head of the Auror Office after Rufus Scrimgeour
Gellert Grindelwald Dark Wizard, childhood friend of Albus डंबलडोर, nephew of Bathilda Bagshot, owner of the Elder Wand, student at Durmstrang
Geoffrey Hooper Gryffindor student during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Gertie Keddle Author of one of the earliest accounts of क्विडिच
Giant Squid Unnamed squid living in the Black Lake
Gibbon Death Eater, killed at Hogwarts in Half-Blood Prince
Gideon Crumb Plays bagpipes for the Weird Sisters
Gideon Prewett Brother of Molly Weasley and Fabian Prewett, member of the original Order of the Phoenix
Gifford Ollerton Giant slayer, killed giant Hengist of Upper Barnton
Gilbert Wimple Ministry official, Committee on Experimental Charms
Gilderoy Lockhart Author, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, celebrity
Gladys Gudgeon Fan of Gilderoy Lockhart, writes weekly fan mail
Glanmore Peakes Slayer of the Sea Serpent of Cromer
Glenda Chittock Presenter of Witching Hour on the Wizarding Wireless Network, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for October 2004
Glenda Crook Works for the Campaign for Greater Freedom for Wizards
Glover Hipworth Inventor of the Pepperup Potion
Glynnis Griffiths क्विडिच Seeker with the Holyhead Harpies
Godelot Father of Hereward Godelot, owner of the Elder Wand
Godric Gryffindor Co-founder of Hogwarts, J. K. Rowling’s Wizard of the Month for July 2007
Golgomath Giant, becomes Gurg after killing Karkus, allied with Death Eaters
Gondoline Oliphant Studied trolls, killed by trolls. J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for April 2005
Goodwin Kneen Author of one of the earliest accounts of क्विडिच, husband of Gunhilda Kneen
Gordon Friend of Dudley Dursley
Gornuk Goblin, killed by Death Eaters
Goyle Sr Death Eater, father of Gregory Goyle
Graham Pritchard Slytherin student three years under Harry
Grant Page Ravenclaw क्विडिच Keeper during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Grawp Giant, half-brother of Rubeus Hagrid, son of Fridwulfa
Great Aunt Muriel Great aunt of the Weasley children
Gregorovitch European wand maker, killed by Lord Voldemort
Gregory Goyle Son of Goyle, Slytherin student in Harry's year, Slytherin क्विडिच Beater, member of the Inquisitorial Squad
Gregory the Smarmy Inventor of Gregory's Unctuous Unction, has a statue in Hogwarts
Greta Catchlove Author of Charm Your Own Cheese
Griphook Goblin, works at Gringotts Bank
Griselda Marchbanks Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority, elder of the Wizengamot
Grogan Stump Minister for Magic, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for April 2006
Grugwyn Rufford Member of the Welsh National Gobstones Team
Gubhilda Kneen Wife of Goodwin Kneen, suffered from Dragon Pox
Gulliver Pokeby Author of Why I Didn't Die When the Augurey Cried, expert on magical birds
Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Developed a cure for Dragon Pox, has a statue in Hogwarts
Gunhilda of Gorsemoor A one
Guthrie Lochrin Early broomstick rider
Gwendolyn Morgan Captain of the Holyhead Harpies क्विडिच team
Gwenog Early female क्विडिच player
Gwenog Jones Welsh Witch. Hogwarts student before Harry's time. Friend and disciple of Horace Slughorn. Captain and Beater for the Holyhead Harpies क्विडिच team (an all-woman team). J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for June 2004. Hero and role model for Ginny Weasley, who keeps a poster of Gwenog in her room.
Hagrid Sr Wizard father of Rubeus Hagrid
Hambledon Quince Claims that wizards are from Mars, Muggles are from Mushrooms, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for September 2006
Hamish MacFarland Captain of the Montrose Magpies क्विडिच team, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports
Harold Dingle Student at Hogwarts during Harry's time at school
Harold Skively Suggested a holiday in honour of Merlin
Harper Slytherin क्विडिच Chaser during Harry's time at school
Harvey Ridgebit Dragonologist, first wizard to catch a Peruvian Vipertooth, established world's largest dragon sanctuary in Romania, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for January 2007
Hassan Mostafa Chairwizard of the International Association of क्विडिच , refereed the क्विडिच World Cup final between Bulgaria and Ireland
Havelock Sweeting Unicorn expert
Heathcote Barbary Guitarist for the Weird Sisters
Hector Dagworth Granger Founder of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers
Hector Dagworth-Granger Founder of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers
Hedwig Mentioned in A History of Magic, the inspiration for Harry's owl's name
Hedwig Owl belonging to Harry Potter, dies in The Deathly Hallows
Helena Ravenclaw/The Grey Lady Daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw House ghost, killed by the Bloody Baron
Helga Hufflepuff Co-founder of Hogwarts, ancestor of Hepzibah Smith, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for May 2007
Heliotrope Willis Leader of the Troll Rights Movement
Hengist of Upper Barnton Giant, killed by Giffor Ollerton
Hengist of Woodcroft Founder of Hogsmeade
Hepzibah Smith Elderly, wealthy antique collector, descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, murdered and robbed by Tom Marvolo Riddle
Herbert Beery Past Herbology teacher at Hogwarts, left to teach at the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts
हर्बर्ट ब्रूक Husband of Belvina Black, father of two sons and one daughter.
Herbert Chorley Muggle Junior Minister who received a botched Imperius Curse that left him impersonating a duck and attacking innocent civilians
Hereward Godelot Son of Godelot, killed his father for possession of the Elder Wand
Herman Wintringham Lute player for the Weird Sisters
Hermione Jean Granger Muggle-born Gryffindor student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, Gryffindor prefect, eventual wife of Ron Weasley and mother of Hugo and Rose Weasley
Herpo the Foul Ancient Greek wizard, Parselmouth, creator of the Basilisk, and the first Horcrux
Hetty Bayliss Muggle who witnessed Arthur Weasley's flying Ford Anglia.
Hippocrates Smethwyck Healer-in-Charge on the Dai Llewellyn Ward at St Mungo's
Hokey House-elf Belonging to Hepzibah Smith
Honoria Nutcombe Founded the Society for the Reformation of Hags, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for August 2004
Horace Slughorn Potions professor at Hogwarts, Head of Slytherin House, taught Tom Marvolo Riddle, fights against the Death Eaters
Hornby Brother of Olive Hornby, wedding haunted by Moaning Myrtle
Howland Coopey Daily Prophet reader with Dragon Pox
Humphrey Belcher Wizard who experimented with cheese cauldrons.
Idris Oakby Founder of the Society for the Support of Squibs, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for October 2006
Ignatia Wildsmith Inventor of Floo Powder, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for December 2004
Ignotus Peverell Original owner of the Cloak of Invisibility, brother of Antioch and Cadmus Peverell, ancestor of the Potter family
Igor Karkaroff Reformed Death Eater, Headmaster of Durmstrang; murdered by other Death Eaters. Formerly a friend of Severus Snape, but the two had a major falling out about how to react to the crisis. Tried unfairly to vote against Harry Potter in the Triwizard Tournament, but was overruled by the other judges.
Ingolfr the Iambic Norwegian poet who wrote about क्विडिच
Inigo Imago Author of The Dream Oracle
Irma Crabbe See Irma Black
Irma Pince Hogwarts librarian
J. Dorny Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school
Jack Sloper Gryffindor क्विडिच Beater during Harry's fifth year at school
Jeremy Stretton Ravenclaw क्विडिच Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Jim McGuffin Muggle weatherman
Jimmy Peakes Gryffindor क्विडिच Beater three years below Harry
Jocunda Sykes First person to fly a broomstick across the Atlantic, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for January 2006
Joey Jenkins क्विडिच Beater with the Chudley Canons, featured in the book Flying With the Canons
John Dawlish Auror
Jordan Sr Father of Lee Jordan, owed money by Ludo Bagman
Joscelind Wadcock क्विडिच Chaser for Puddlemere United
Jugson Death Eater
Justin Finch-Fletchley Muggle-born Hufflepuff student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Justus Pilliwickle Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
K. Bundy Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school.
Karkus Giant, friendly with the Order of the Phoenix, killed by Golgomath
Karl Broadmoore Beater for the Falmouth Falcons क्विडिच team with his brother Kevin.
Katie Bell Gryffindor student one year above Harry Potter; Chaser on the Gryffindor क्विडिच team.
Katie Wood see Katie Bell
Kenneth Towler Gryffindor student two years above Harry
Kennilworthy Whisp Author of क्विडिच Through the Ages
Kevin Toddler who uses his father's wand to blow up a slug at the क्विडिच World Cup
Kevin Broadmoore Beater for the Falmouth Falcons क्विडिच team with his brother Karl.
Kevin Whitby Hufflepuff student three years under Harry
Kingsley Shacklebolt Auror, replaces Pius Thicknesse as Minister for Magic
Kirley Duke Lead guitarist for the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters.
Kirley Duke McCormack Son of Catriona McCormack, brother of Meghan McCormack, guitarist for the Weird Sisters
Kreacher House-elf belonging to the Black family, and later Harry Potter
Lachlan the Lanky Has a statue in Hogwarts
Ladislaw Zamojski Polish क्विडिच Chaser
Lancelot Cousin of Great Aunt Muriel, Healer at St Mungo's
Laura Madley Hufflepuff student three years below Harry
Laurendrous Ellison disabled muggle ambassador at Gringots
Laurentia Fletwock Breeder and racer of winged horses, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for December 2006
Lavender Brown Gryffindor student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, briefly dates Ron Weasley, attends the Yule Ball with Seamus Finnigan.
Laverne de Montmorency Creator of various love potions
Leanne Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school, friend of Katie Bell
Lee Jordan Gryffindor student two years above Harry, Hogwarts क्विडिच commentator
Leonard Jewkes Creator of the Silver Arrow racing broom
Leopoldina Smethwyk First British witch to referee a क्विडिच match
Lestrange Death Eater, attended Hogwarts with Tom Marvolo Riddle
Levski Bulgarian क्विडिच Chaser
Libatius Borage Author of Advanced Potion-Making.
Lily Evans See Lily Potter
Lisa Turpin Ravenclaw student in Harry's year
Lisette de Lapin A French sorceress convicted of witchcraft in 1422 and possible animagus
Livius Thought to have taken the Elder Wand from Loxias
Lorcan d'Eath Part-vampire singer, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for November 2006
Lorcan Scamander Son of Rolf Scamander and Luna Lovegood, twin brother of Lysander Scamander
Lord Stoddard Withers Magical creatures expert, breeder of flying horses
Lord Voldemort See Tom Marvolo Riddle
Loxias Possessor of the Elder Wand
लुक्रेटीया प्रीवेट Daughter of Arcturus Black and मेलानीया मॅकमीलन, sister of Orion Black, wife of ईग्नॅटीयस प्रीवेट
Ludovic Bagman क्विडिच Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps, Head of the Department of Games and Sports within the Ministry of Magic
Luna Lovegood Ravenclaw student one year below Harry, daughter of Xenophilius Lovegood, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, eventual wife of Newt Scamander's grandson Rolf, mother of twin sons Lorcan and Lysander Scamander
Luna Scamander See Luna Lovegood
Lysander Scamander Son of Rolf Scamander and Luna Lovegood, twin brother of Lorcan Scamander
MacBoon clan Wizarding family from the Isle of Drear, killed the rival McClivert clan after being transfigured into quintapeds
Madam Edgecombe Works in the Floo Network Office, mother of Marietta Edgecombe
Madam Malkin Owner of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions in Diagon Alley
Madam Marsh Elderly passenger on the Knight Bus
Madam Puddifoot Owner of a tea shop in Hogsmeade
Mafalda Hopkirk Improper Use of Magic Office employee
Magenta Comstock Experimental artist, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for April 2007
Magnus “Dent-Head” Macdonald Lead effort to reintroduce the game of Creaothceann
Magorian Leader of the centaurs living in the Forbidden Forest
Maisie Cattermole Daughter of Reg and Mary Cattermole
Malcolm Friend of Dudley Dursley
Malcolm Baddock Slytherin student who is in Hogwarts in Harry's fourth year
Malécrit Playwright who wrote Hélas, Je me suis Transfiguré mes Pieds. The name means "badly written" and the title of the work means "Alas, I have transfigured my feet."
Mallory Twiddle Complained about Gringotts using Sphinxes as guards in the Daily Prophet
Mandy Brocklehurst Ravenclaw student in Harry's year
Marcus Belby Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts a year above Harry Potter.
Marcus Flint Slytherin क्विडिच Chaser and Captain, five years above Harry
Marietta Edgecombe Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, traitor to Dumbledore's Army
Marius Guard at Gringotts
Marjorie Dursley Sister of Vernon Dursley
Mark Evans Muggle boy who is bullied by Dudley Dursley; no relation to Lily and Petunia Evans
Marlene McKinnon Member of the original Order of the Phoenix
Martha Employee at Tom Marvolo Riddle's orphanage
Marvolo Gaunt Father of Merope and Morfin Gaunt, grandfather of Tom Marvolo Riddle, descendant of Salazar Slytherin
Mary Cattermole Wife of Reginald Cattermole
Mary Dorkins Muggle news reporter
Mary Macdonald Hogwarts student before Harry's time, attacked with Dark Magic by Mulciber
Matilda Dukelow Holyhead Harpies fan
McClivert clan Wizarding family from the Isle of Drear, killed by the rival MacBoon clan
Meghan McCormack Daughter of Catriona McCormack, sister of Kirley Duke McCormack, क्विडिच Keeper for Puddlemere United
मेलानीया मॅकमीलन See Melania Black
Melinda Bobbin Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school, her family owns a chain of apothecaries
Merlin Most famous wizard of all time, known even to Muggles, Charms specialist, member of the Court of King Arthur, established the Order of Merlin to help Muggles
Merope Gaunt Daughter of Marvolo Gaunt, sister of Morfin Gaunt, wife of Tom Riddle, mother of Tom Marvolo Riddle
Merton Graves Cello player of the Weird Sisters
Michael Corner Ravenclaw student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, dates Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang
Miles Bletchley Keeper on the Slytherin क्विडिच team during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Millicent Bagnold Minister for Magic before Cornelius Fudge.
Millicent Bulstrode Slytherin student in Harry's year, member of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad.
Minerva McGonagall Hogwarts Transfiguration professor, Head of Gryffindor House, Headmistress, Deputy Headmistress under Albus डंबलडोर, member of the Order of the Phoenix, Animagus
Mirabella Plunkett Fell in love with a merman, transfigured herself into a haddock
Miranda Goshawk Author of the Standard Book of Spells series
Miriam Strout Healer in the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's
Mnemone Radford Developed Memory Modifying Charms, first Obliviator, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for February 2007
Moaning Myrtle Ravenclaw student during Tom Marvolo Riddle's time at Hogwarts, killed by the Basilisk in a girl's bathroom, which she continued to haunt
Modesty Rabnott Protested the use of the Golden Snidget in क्विडिच , namesake of the Modesty Rabnott Golden Snidget Preserve
Monsieur Delacour (first name unknown) Husband of Apolline Delacour, father of Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour
Montague Slytherin क्विडिच Chaser and captain, two years ahead of Harry
Montague Knightley Wizard Chess champion
Montgomery sisters Hogwarts students at the time Harry is at school, their brother is attacked by Fenrir Greyback and dies at St Mungo's
Moon Hogwarts student in Harry's year
Mopsus Ancient Greek soothsayer, son of Apollo and Manto, defeated Seer Calchas, namesake of the Mopsus Potion
Morag MacDougal Hogwarts student sorted at the same time as Harry
Moran Irish क्विडिच Chaser
Mordicus Egg Author of The Philosophy of the Mundane: Why Muggles Prefer Not to Know
Morfin Gaunt Son of Marvolo Gaunt, brother of Merope Gaunt, uncle of Lord Voldemort
Morgana Dark Sorceress, half-sister of King Arthur, enemy of Merlin, Animagus, skilled Healer, queen of the island of Avalon
Mortlake Ferret owner, raided by the Muggle Artefacts Office in Chamber of Secrets
Mosag Wife of Aragog
Mr Bagman Father of Ludovic and Otto Bagman, friend of Death Eater Augustus Rookwood
Mr Borgin Proprietor of Borgin & Burkes in Knockturn Alley
Mr Creevey Muggle milkman, father of Colin and Dennis Creevey
Mr Granger Muggle dentist, father of Hermione Granger
Mr Krum Father of Viktor Krum
Mr Mason Muggle dinner guest of the Dursleys
Mr Ollivander wandmaker, owner of Ollivander's
Mr Paws Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
Mr Payne Muggle campground manager at the क्विडिच World Cup
Mr Prentice Muggle neighbour of the Dursleys
Mr Roberts Muggle campground manager at the क्विडिच World Cup, he and his family are tortured by Death Eaters
Mr Thomas Father of Dean Thomas, murdered by Death Eaters, never told his Muggle wife that he was a wizard
Mr Wood Father of Oliver Wood
Mrs Cole Matron of Tom Riddle's orphanage
Mrs Finnigan Mother of Seamus Finnigan
Mrs Granger Muggle dentist, mother of Hermione Granger
Mrs Krum Mother of Viktor Krum
Mrs Lovegood Wife of Xenophilius Lovegood and mother of Luna Lovegood
Mrs Mason Muggle dinner guest of the Dursleys
Mrs Norris Cat belonging to Argus Filch
Mrs Pettigrew Mother of Peter Pettigrew, awarded the Order of Merlin
Mrs Polkiss Mother of Piers Polkiss
Mrs Wood Mother of Oliver Wood
Mrs Zabini Mother of Blaise Zabini
Mulciber Death Eater, Imperius Curse specialist
Mullet Irish क्विडिच Chaser
Mundungus Fletcher Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Mungo Bonham Healer who founded St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Ailments and Injuries, Wizard of the Month on J. K. Rowling’s website for March 2005.
Musidora Barkwith Composer noted for her work Wizarding Suite
Myron Wagtail Lead singer of the Weird Sisters
Nagini Snake belonging to Lord Voldemort, killed by Neville Longbottom in The Deathly Hallows
Natalie McDonald Gryffindor student three years below Harry; Natalie McDonald was nine-year old Harry Potter fan who died of leukemia shortly after writing a fan letter to Rowling. Rowling created the character to honor McDonald, who is the only real person to appear in the series, apart from Nicolas Flamel.
Newton Artemis Fido “Newt” Scamander Author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, among other books, grandfather of Rolf Scamander
Nicolas Flamel Husband of Perenelle Flamel, alchemist, the only known creator of the philosopher's stone. A fictionalised version of Nicolas Flamel, the mediaeval scrivener and alchemist.
Nobby Leach Minister for Magic
Norbert/Norberta Dragon belonging to Rubeus Hagrid
Norvel Twonk Died saving a Muggle child from a manticore
Nott Sr Widower Death Eater, father of Theodore Nott
Nugent Potts क्विडिच referee
Nymphadora Tonks Daughter of Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black, disowned by the Black family for being half-blood, Auror, metamorphmagus, wife of Remus Lupin, mother of Teddy Remus Lupin, killed by her aunt Bellatrix during the Battle of Hogwarts
Octavius Pepper Reported missing by the Daily Prophet
Odo Subject of a song sung by Rubeus Hagrid and Horace Slughorn in Half-Blood Prince
Ogg Gamekeeper at Hogwarts while Molly Weasley was at school
Olaf Norwegian wizard, cousin of Goodwin Kneen
Olive Hornby Hogwarts student during the time of Lord Voldemort, teased Moaning Myrtle
Oliver Wood Hogwarts student, Gryffindor क्विडिच Keeper and captain, Keeper for Puddlemere United.Marries Katie Bell.
Olympe Maxime Half-giantess, Headmistress of Beauxbatons
Oona Innkeeper, early क्विडिच supporter
Orla Quirke Ravenclaw student three years below Harry
Orsino Thruston Drummer for the Weird Sisters
Oswald Beamish Goblin rights pioneer.
Otto Bagman Brother of Ludovic Bagman
Owen Cauldwell Hufflepuff student who entered Hogwarts during Harry's fourth year.
Padma Patil Ravenclaw student in Harry's year, identical twin sister of Gryffindor student Parvati Patil, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, attends the Yule Ball with Ron Weasley
Pansy Parkinson Slytherin student in Harry's year, school prefect, member of the Inquisitorial Squad
Paracelsus Has a bust in Hogwarts between the Gryffindor common room and the corridor leading to the owlery
Parvati Patil Gryffindor student in Harry's year, identical twin sister of Ravenclaw student Padma Patil, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, attends the Yule Ball with Harry Potter
Patricia Stimpson Hogwarts student two years above Harry
PC Anderson A Muggle police officer from the Harry Potter prequel.
Peeves Hogwarts poltergeist
Penelope Clearwater Ravenclaw prefect four years above Harry, girlfriend of पर्सी विजली
Perenelle Flamel Wife of Nicolas Flamel
Perkins Ministry of Magic employee and friend of Arthur Weasley
Perpetua Fancourt Inventor of the Lunascope
Peter Pettigrew Gryffindor student before Harry's time, Marauder, Animagus, Death Eater, traitor to the Order of the Phoenix, disguised himself as a pet rat belonging to first पर्सी विजली and later Ron Weasley. Murdered Cedric Diggory.
Petrova Porskoff क्विडिच Chaser from Russia, creator of the Porskoff Ploy
Petunia Dursley (née Evans) Sister of Lily Evans, aunt of Harry Potter, wife of Vernon Dursley, mother of Dudley Dursley
Petunia Evans See Petunia Dursley
Philbert Deverill Manager of Puddlemere United
Phyllida Spore Author of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
Pierre Bonaccord First Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards
Piers Polkiss Friend of Dudley Dursley
Pigwidgeon Scops Owl belonging to Ron Weasley
Pius Thicknesse Minister for Magic while under the Imperius Curse
Po Quong Magical creatures expert, studied Liondragons
Poliakoff Durmstrang student at the same time as Viktor Krum, travelled to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament
Pomona Sprout Hogwarts Herbology professor, Head of Hufflepuff House
Poppy Pomfrey Hogwarts school nurse
Porpentia Scamander Wife of Newt Scamander
Professor Everard Proudfoot Headmaster of Hogwarts
Professor Phoebus Penrose Heads a committee for the Ministry of Magic that produces a report entitled A Study into Muggle Suspicions About Magic
Professor Tofty Member of the Wizarding Examinations Authority
Proudfoot Auror
Prudence Sister of Modesty Rabnott
Ptolemy Famous wizard, featured on a Chocolate Frog card
Queen Mave Irish witch who taught young witches and wizards before the establishment of Hogwarts
Quentin Trimble Author of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection
Quigley Irish क्विडिच Beater
Quintius Umfraville Author of The Noble Sport of Warlocks
Quirinus Quirrell Death Eater, Muggle Studies and Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, possessed by Lord Voldemort in Philosopher's Stone
Rabastan Lestrange Death Eater, brother of Rodolphus Lestrange
Radolphous Pittiman Biographer of Uric the Oddball
Radulf Blacksmith, early क्विडिच player
Ragmar Dorkins Manager of the Chudley Cannons क्विडिच team
Ragnok Goblin, works for Gringotts
Ragnuk the First Goblin, creator of the Sword of Gryffindor (and its lawful owner, according to the Goblins)
Randolph Burrow Ravenclaw क्विडिच Chaser during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Randolph Keitch क्विडिच player with the Falmouth Falcons, with Basil Horton founded the Comet Trading Company and invented the Horton-Keitch Braking Charm
Reginald Cattermole Employee of the Magical Maintenance Department for the Ministry of Magic.
Remus John Lupin Gryffindor student before Harry's time, Marauder, werewolf, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry's third year, husband of Nymphadora Tonks and father of Teddy Remus Lupin
Ripper Bulldog belonging to Marge Dursley
Rita Skeeter Reporter for the Daily Prophet, author of The Life and Lies of Albus डंबलडोर, Animagus
Ritchie Coote Beater on the Gryffindor क्विडिच team during Harry's sixth year
Roddy Pontner Placed a bet with Ludo Bagman at the क्विडिच World Cup
Roderick Plumpton क्विडिच Seeker for the England National Team and the Tutshill Tornados, originator of the Plumpton Pass, and holder of the fastest recorded catch of the Golden Snitch (three-and-a-half seconds, in 1921)
Rodolphus Lestrange Death Eater, brother of Rabastan Lestrange, husband of Bellatrix Lestrange
Roger Davies Ravenclaw student two years above Harry, क्विडिच Chaser and Captain, attended the Yule Ball with Fleur Delacour
Roland Kegg President of the English Gobstones team
Rolanda Hooch Hogwarts flying instructor, क्विडिच referee
Rolf Scamander Wizarding naturalist, husband of Luna Lovegood, father of twin sons Lorcan and Lysander
Romilda Vane Gryffindor student two years below Harry
Ronan Centaur who lives in the Forbidden Forest
Rosalind Antigone Bungs Name that Hermione Granger came across while searching for the identity of R.A.B.
Rose Zeller Hufflepuff student four years under Harry
Rosier Early Death Eater
Rowena Ravenclaw Co-founder of Hogwarts, mother of Helena Ravenclaw
Royden Poke Official from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, involved in the Chipping Clodbury Riot
Rudolf Brand Captain of the Heidelberg Harriers क्विडिच team.
Rufus Scrimgeour Head of the Auror Office, replaces Cornelius Fudge as Minister for Magic
Rupert “Axebanger” Brookstanton Name Hermione Granger came across while searching for the identity of R.A.B..
S. Capper Hogwarts student during Harry's time at school
S. Fawcett Ravenclaw student in Harry's year
Sacharissa Tugwood Inventor of Beautifying Potions, discovered uses of Bubotuber Pus
Salazar Slytherin Co-founder of Hogwarts, Parselmouth, ancestor of the Gaunt family and Lord Voldemort, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for June 2007
Sally-Anne Perks Hogwarts student in Harry's year
Samson Wiblin Duellist, defeated at the All-England Duelling Competition in 1430 by Alberta Toothill
Sanguini Vampire, friend of Eldred Worple
Savage Auror
Scabior Snatcher who captures Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in Deathly Hallows
Seamus Finnigan Irish Gryffindor student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य, attends the Yule Ball with Lavender Brown
Selwyn Death Eater
Septima Vector Arithmancy professor at Hogwarts
Sergeant Fisher A Muggle police officer from the Harry Potter prequel.
Severus Snape Son of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince, “Half-Blood Prince”, reformed Death Eater, member of the Order of the Phoenix, Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Head of Slytherin House, Hogwarts Headmaster, killed in seventh book by Lord Voldemort
Silvanus Kettleburn Care of Magical Creatures professor during Harry's first two years at Hogwarts
Sir Cadogan Armoured knight occupying a painting in Hogwarts
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington/Nearly Headless Nick Gryffindor House ghost
Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore Bearded ghost who leads the Headless Hunt
Snowy Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
Spudmore Manufacturer of the 1940 Timberblast broom
Stamford Jorkins Ministry of Magic spokesperson
Stan Shunpike Conductor of the Knight Bus, Death Eater
Stebbins Hufflepuff student during Harry's time at Hogwarts, caught by Snape with Fawcett during the Yule Ball
Stubby Boardman Lead singer of the Hobgoblins
Sturgis Podmore Member of the Order of the Phoenix, imprisoned in Azkaban
Summerby Hufflepuff क्विडिच Seeker after Cedric Diggory
Summers Hufflepuff student during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Susan Bones Hufflepuff student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Sybill Patricia Trelawney Great-great granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney, Hogwarts Divination professor
Tarquin McTavish J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for July 2006, imprisoned for crimes against Muggles
Ted Muggle television newsreader
Ted Tonks Muggle-born husband of Andromeda Black, father of Nymphadora Tonks, killed by Death Eaters
Teddy Remus Lupin Son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, metamorphmagus. Godchild of Harry Potter, and good friend of the Potter family.
Tenebrus Thestral belonging to Rubeus Hagrid
Terence Higgs Slytherin क्विडिच Seeker during Harry's first year
Terry Boot Ravenclaw student in Harry's year, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य.
Thaddeus Thurkell Wizard who produced seven Squib sons and turned them all into hedgehogs in disgust
The Bloody Baron Slytherin House ghost, suitor and killer of Helena Ravenclaw
The Fat Friar Hufflepuff House ghost
The Fat Lady Witch in the painting that conceals the entrance to the Gryffindor common room
The Great Humberto Muggle television personality
The Mermaid Occupies a painting in the prefect's bathroom at Hogwarts
Theodore Nott Slytherin student in Harry's year, son of Death Eater Nott
Thorfinn Rowle Death Eater
Tibbles Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
Tiberius Uncle of Cormac McLaggen, student of Horace Slughorn
Tiberius Ogden Wizengamot elder, resigns after Dolores Umbridge is appointed Hogwarts High Inquisitor by Cornelius Fudge
Tilden Toots Wizarding radio personality, husband of Daisy Hookum, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for March 2007
Tilly Toke Received the Order of Merlin First Class following the Ilfracombe Dragon Attack of 1932
Timothy Blenkinsop Puddlemere United supporter
Tobias Snape Muggle father of Severus Snape, husband of pure-blood Eileen Prince
Tom Innkeeper of the Leaky Cauldron
Tom Riddle Sr Muggle husband of Merope Gaunt, father of Tom Marvolo Riddle
Travers Death Eater who killed the McKinnon family
Trevor Toad belonging to Neville Longbottom
Troy Irish क्विडिच Chaser
Tufty Cat belonging to Arabella Figg
Ug the Unreliable Goblin con artist, behind the Demiguise Derby
Ugga Early क्विडिच player
Urg the Unclean Goblin leader during the rebellions of the eighteenth century
Uric the Oddball Eccentric wizard, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for September 2004
Urquhart Slytherin क्विडिच captain during Harry's time at Hogwarts
Urquhart Rackharrow Inventor of the Entrail-expelling Curse, his portrait hangs in St Mungo's
ऊर्सूला फ्लिंट See Ursula Black
Vaisey Slytherin क्विडिच Chaser
Valmai Morgan क्विडिच Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
Verity Employee at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Vernon Dursley Brother of Marge Dursley, husband of Petunia Evans, father of Dudley Dursley, uncle of Harry Potter
Veronica Smethley Fan of Gilderoy Lockhart
Victoria Frobisher Gryffindor student at the time Harry was at Hogwarts
Viktor Krum Durmstrang student, Bulgarian क्विडिच Seeker, participated in the Triwizard Tournament, attended the Yule Ball with Hermione Granger
Vincent Crabbe Slytherin student in Harry's year, son of Death Eater, Slytherin क्विडिच team Beater, member of the Inquisitorial Squad
Vindictus Viridian Author of Curses and Counter-curses (Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying and Much, Much More)
Violet Inhabits a portrait in Hogwarts, friend of the Fat Lady
वायोलेट्टा बुलस्ट्रोड See Violetta Black.
Vlad Drakul Vampire who inspired Muggle author Bram Stoker to create his famous character Count Dracula.
Volkov Bulgarian क्विडिच Beater
Vulchanov Bulgarian क्विडिच Beater
Walden Macnair Death Eater, executioner for the Ministry of Magic
Walter Parkin Wizard whose four sons and three daughters comprised the original Wigtown Wanderers क्विडिच team
Warty Harris Original owner of toads stolen by Mundungus Fletcher
Wendelin the Weird Witch from the Middle Ages, enjoyed being burned at the stake so much that she allowed herself to be caught no fewer than forty-seven times in various disguises
Wilbert Slinkhard Author of Defensive Magical Theory
Wilfred Elphick First to be gored by an Erumpent
Wilfred the Wistful Has a statue of Hogwarts
Wilhelm Wigworthy Author of Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank Substitute Care of Magical Creatures professor
Wilkes Slytherin student, friend of Severus Snape, Death Eater, killed by Aurors
Wilkie Twycross Apparition instructor from the Ministry of Magic
Will Stole toads from Warty Harris, then had the toads stolen by Mundungus Fletcher
Williamson Auror
Willy Widdershins Set up regurgitating toilets in Order of the Phoenix, informs Dolores Umbridge of the meeting of Dumbledore's Army in the Hog's Head
Winkus Oddpick Wrote an editorial for the Daily Prophet after the Chipping Clodbury Riot
Winky House-elf belonging to the Crouch family, later works at Hogwarts
Xavier Rastrick Wizard entertainer, vanished during a performance and was never seen again
Xenophilius Lovegood Father of Luna Lovegood and editor of The Quibbler
Yardley Platt Serial goblin-killer, J. K. Rowling's Wizard of the Month for February 2006
Yaxley Death Eater
Yvonne Friend of Petunia Dursley
Z. Nettles Witch who gives a testimonial on Kwikspell
Zacharias Mumps Wrote an early account of क्विडिच
Zacharias Smith Hufflepuff student during Harry's time at Hogwarts, Chaser on the Hufflepuff क्विडिच team, डंबलडोरच्या सेनेची सदस्य
Zograf Bulgarian क्विडिच Keeper