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विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

लेख काढण्याचे कारण कळू शकेल का?

It's Marathi word for "Collation" or "Alphabetical Order".

Article by that name is present in English/German/Spanish....wikipedia

--दीप देवेंद्र नरसे १८:४८, २८ डिसेंबर २००९ (UTC)

What kind of information is expected to be presented here? If it defines and illustrates the abovementioned words, the article should stay. If it's meant to be simply a list of Wikipedia articles ordered/collated in a certain way, other pages exist to that effect.

अभय नातू १८:५०, २८ डिसेंबर २००९ (UTC)

The article may contain 1. Definition and illustration of the word "अकारविल्हे" 2. Use of the concept "अकारविल्हे" in everyday life (e.g. Library, Catalogues, Computers, Dictionary, etc.)

Thank you. --दीप देवेंद्र नरसे १९:११, २८ डिसेंबर २००९ (UTC)

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