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साचा चर्चा:अस्तेक

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विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

This should be renamed as साचा:ऎझ्टेक. See discussion on चावडी. १८:५२, १६ ऑगस्ट २००७ (UTC)

ऎझ्टेक is wrong. right is - ऍझ्टेक, but ऍ is simillar to ऐ. Anyone could be confuss. Unicode didn't show अॅ instant of ऍ. So I wrote अझ्टेक for ऍझ्टेक.

You are correct. I picked up the ऎझ्टेक from Baraha, which does not have the ऍ letter. Please do the needful and move this to ऍझ्टेक.
Abhay Natu १९:०६, १६ ऑगस्ट २००७ (UTC)

I am using Barah too. I will show a picture of अॅझ्टेक, in main article of Aztecs.

Aniruddha Paranjpye

There! I was able to do it using simple cut-pastes :-)
Abhay Natu १९:११, १६ ऑगस्ट २००७ (UTC)

Why you changed to ऍझ्टेक? अझ्टेक is good and no one confuses

Because ऍझ्टेक is the right pronunciation, as admitted by you.
Pls revert back.
Abhay Natu १९:२२, १६ ऑगस्ट २००७ (UTC)

yes this is right. but I told ऍ and ऐ is similar and letters is very small. So anyone could be confuse. And when I will write a main article of Aztecs then I will shows a picture of अॅझ्टेक (well I am going to sleep. - 1 a.m.)

Aniruddha Paranjpye

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