साचा:Cases in 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Maharashtra
[संपादन]{{Cases in 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Maharashtra|confirmed}}
→ १२,९७४[१]
Value | Parameter name | Output value |
Confirmed cases | confirmed | साचा:Cases in 2019–20 coronavirus pandemicin Maharashtra |
Rounded cases | conroundno | १२,९००[१] |
Rounded cases in millions | conround | ०.०१२९ million[१] |
Confirmed deaths | deaths | ५४८[१] |
Rounded deaths | dround | ५४८[१] |
Rounded deaths in thousands | droundt | ० thousand[१] |
Confirmed recoveries | recovered | २,११५[१] |
Rounded recoveries | recround | ०.००२११ million[१] |
Rounded recoveries in thousands | recroundt | [१] |
Active cases | active | १०,३११[१] |
Rounded active cases | actroundno | १०,३००[१] |
Rounded active cases in thousands | actroundt | [१] |
Rounded active cases in millions | actround | ०.०१०३ million[१] |
Death-to-case ratio | ratio | 4%[१] |
Date updated | date | 3 May 2020[१] |
Time updated | time | 13:30 UTC[१] |
[संपादन]Ability to display confirmed cases and deaths from SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 with date and time of last update with the ability to specify whether to display reference or edit-link in superscript
प्राचल | वर्णन | प्रकार | स्थिती | |
Data to return | 1 | Which data should be returned? (confirmed, deaths, date, time, recovered, active, conround, dround, droundt, recround, recroundt, actround)
| तंतू | हवे |
Edit link | editlink | Should an edit link be displayed? Suppressed by default (off), type "yes" to show an edit link
| अज्ञात | सुचविलेले |
Reference | ref | Should a reference be displayed? Displays ref by default, type "no" to suppress ref which is suggested when using date or time data
| अज्ञात | सुचविलेले |