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विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून



When adding a notice, please fill in the notice in the {{AdvancedSiteNotices/core}} template in the source code . If the source code before modification is:

{{AdvancedSiteNotices / core | 
  {{AdvancedSiteNotices / item | Welcome to Wikipedia}} 

The modified source code will be similar to the following code:

{{AdvancedSiteNotices/core | 
  {{AdvancedSiteNotices/item | Welcome to Wikipedia}}
  {{AdvancedSiteNotices / item | Hello, world}} 

Parameters of


{{AdvancedSiteNotices/item}} has two anonymous parameters and one named parameter: {{{1}}} is a required parameter, fill in the actual content of the notice; {{{2}}} and {{{criteria}}} In order to fill in the parameters, you can define the target group for the announcement:

{{AdvancedSiteNotices / item | {{{1}}} | {{{2}}} | criteria = {{{criteria}}} }}

The parameter {{{criteria}}} should be a valid JavaScript expression that provides the following test functions during execution. When not filled in, the parameter {{{2}}} will be used .

*in_country -test user country or region
*in_region -the main administrative region where the test user is located
*in_city -test user city
*in_group -the user group where the test user is

The parameter {{{2}}} has multiple modes, which can be mixed and separated by spaces:

*only_sysop -only show to administrator
*only_logged -only displayed to logged in users
*only_anon -only display to anonymous users
*only_zh_cn -only displayed to mainland users
*only_zh_hk -Only displayed to users in Hong Kong and Macau
*only_zh_sg -only displayed to users in Singapore and Malaysia
*only_zh_tw -only displayed to users in Taiwan

Actual use case:

{{AdvancedSiteNotices / item | [[Wikipedia: Party / 2010 Taiwan Autumn Gathering | "'2010 Taiwan Wikiman Autumn Gathering" "]] and [[Wikipedia_talk: Party / 2010 Shanghai Summer Gathering |' '' 2010 Shanghai Wikiman Xia Ju '' ']] ended successfully. | criteria = in_country ('TW') {{!}} {{!}} in_country ('CN') && in_city ('Shanghai')}} 
{{AdvancedSiteNotices / item | The Wikimedia Foundation has launched Good children know the function ". | criteria = in_group ('rollbacker') {{!}} {{!}} in_group ('patroller') {{!}} {{!}} in_group ('sysop') {{!}} {{!} } in_group ('autoreviewer')}}

