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विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

नोंद: साठवून ठेवल्यानंतर बदल पहाण्यासाठी कदाचित तुमच्या ब्राऊजरच्या कॅचेला बायपास करावे लागेल.

  • फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स / सफ़ारी: धरुन ठेवा Shift टिचकी मारताना Reload, किंवा हे दाबताना Ctrl-F5 किंवा Ctrl-R (⌘-R मॅकवर)
  • गुगल क्रोम: दाबा Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R मॅकसाठी)
  • ओपेरा: कडे जा Menu → Settings (ओपेरा → पसंतीक्रम on a Mac) आणि मग गोपनियता आणि सुरक्षा → ब्राउजिंग डाटा काढून टाका → कॅचे छायाचित्रे आणि धारिणी.
//Mass rollback function
//Written by John254 and modified/rewritten by Writ Keeper with modifications by TheDJ; original is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:John254/mass_rollback.js
//Adapted from User:Mr.Z-man/rollbackSummary.js
//Instructions: Selecting the "rollback all" tab when viewing a user's contributions history
//will open all rollback links displayed there. (Use with caution)
if(typeof wkContribsCheckboxInit === "undefined")
	wkContribsCheckboxInit = false;

function rollbackEverythingWKMR(editSummary) 
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var rbMetadata = {};
		rbMetadata.api = new mw.Api();
		rbMetadata.userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
		rbMetadata.ipRange = (rbMetadata.userName === null);
		rbMetadata.titleRegex = /title=([^&]+)/;
		rbMetadata.editSummary = editSummary;
		$("a[href*='action=rollback']").each(function(ind, el)
			rollbackOneThingWKMR(el, rbMetadata);
		} );
	} );
	return false;
function rollbackSomeThingsWKMR(editSummary)
	if(editSummary === null)
		return false;
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' ).done( function()
		var rbMetadata = {};
		rbMetadata.api = new mw.Api();
		rbMetadata.userName = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
		rbMetadata.titleRegex = /title=([^&]+)/;
		rbMetadata.editSummary = editSummary;
		var rollbackList = $("input.revdelIds:checked").parents("li.mw-contributions-current").find("a[href*='action=rollback']");
		if(rollbackList.length <= 0)
			mw.notify("You didn't select any edits that could be rolled back!");
		$("input.revdelIds:checked").parents("li.mw-contributions-current").find("a[href*='action=rollback']").each(function(ind, el)
			rollbackOneThingWKMR(el, rbMetadata);
		} );
	} );
function rollbackOneThingWKMR(edit, rbMetadata)
	var userName;
	//if we're in an anonymous IP range, we have to figure out each username on its own, since they might be different for each edit.
	if(rbMetadata.userName === null)
		//the not clause is probably not necessary, but I'm including it just to be sure.
		userName = $(edit).parents("li:first").children("a.mw-anonuserlink").not(".mw-contributions-title").text();
		userName = rbMetadata.userName;
	var params = {};
	if( rbMetadata.editSummary != '' )
		params.summary = rbMetadata.editSummary;
	rbMetadata.api.rollback( decodeURIComponent(rbMetadata.titleRegex.exec(edit.href)[1]), userName, params).done( function()
	} );
	if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions" && $("span.mw-rollback-link").length > 0)
		mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util").done( function ()
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback all", "ca-rollbackeverything", "rollback all edits displayed here");
				if($("ul.mw-contributions-list .mw-revdelundel-link").length > 0)
					$("ul.mw-contributions-list .mw-revdelundel-link").each(function(ind,el){
						if($(this).children("a").length > 0)
							var revId = /ids=(\d+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];
							var pageTitle = /target=([^&]+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];
							$(el).prepend("<input type='checkbox' name='"+decodeURIComponent(pageTitle)+"' class='revdelIds' value='"+revId+"'>&nbsp;");
							$(el).children(".revdelIds").data("index", ind);
					$("ul.mw-contributions-list a.mw-changeslist-date").each(function(ind,el){
						$(el).before("<input type='checkbox' class='revdelIds'>&nbsp;");
				wkContribsCheckboxInit = true;
			mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', "rollback selected", "ca-rollbacksome", "rollback selected edits");
			$("#ca-rollbackeverything").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackEverythingWKMR(prompt("Rollback all edits: Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));
			$("#ca-rollbacksome").click( function(event)
				mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.api' ); //start loading, while the user is in the prompt	
				return rollbackSomeThingsWKMR(prompt("Rollback selected edits: Enter an edit summary, or leave blank to use the default (or hit Cancel to cancel the rollback entirely)"));
			$("#ca-rollbacksome").data("lastSelectedIndex", -1);

					var lastSelectedRevdel = $("#ca-rollbacksome").data("lastSelectedIndex");
					var newIndex = $(this).data("index")
					if(ev.shiftKey && lastSelectedRevdel >= 0)
						var checkboxArray = $("input.revdelIds");
						var start = lastSelectedRevdel;
						var stop = newIndex;
						if(start < stop)
							for(var i = start; i < stop; i++)
								$(checkboxArray[i]).prop("checked", true);
							for(var i = start; i > stop; i--)
								$(checkboxArray[i]).prop("checked", true);
					 $("#ca-rollbacksome").data("lastSelectedIndex", newIndex);
