Each team must have a table with the following keys:
code: A short code of 2-4 letters (uppercase) to represent the team.
fullName: The full name of the team.
shortName: The short name of the team, usually the location in which it is based.
pageName: The title of the team's article on Wikipedia. This is usually the team's full name, but if disambiguation is
needed, it may be different.
startYear: The year in which the team first played.
endYear: The year in which the team last played. (For inactive/disbanded/terminated teams only)
This module is to be used with mw.loadData(). It should NOT contain functions!
return {
code = "CSK",
fullName = "चेन्नई सुपर किंग्स",
shortName = "चेन्नई",
pageName = "चेन्नई सुपर किंग्स",
startYear = 2008,
code = "DC",
fullName = "डेक्कन चार्जर्स हैद्राबाद",
shortName = "डेक्कन",
pageName = "डेक्कन चार्जर्स हैद्राबाद",
startYear = 2008,
endYear = 2012,
code = "DD",
fullName = "दिल्ली डेअरडेव्हिल्स",
shortName = "दिल्ली",
pageName = "दिल्ली डेअरडेव्हिल्स",
startYear = 2008,
code = "KKR",
fullName = "कोलकाता नाइट रायडर्स",
shortName = "कोलकाता",
pageName = "कोलकाता नाइट रायडर्स",
startYear = 2008,
code = "KTK",
fullName = "कोची टस्कर्स केरळ",
shortName = "कोची",
pageName = "कोची टस्कर्स केरळ",
startYear = 2011,
endYear = 2011,
code = "KXIP",
fullName = "किंग्ज इलेव्हन पंजाब",
shortName = "पंजाब",
pageName = "किंग्ज इलेव्हन पंजाब",
startYear = 2008,
code = "MI",
fullName = "मुंबई इंडियन्स",
shortName = "मुंबई",
pageName = "मुंबई इंडियन्स",
startYear = 2008,
code = "PWI",
fullName = "पुणे वॉरियर्स इंडिया",
shortName = "पुणे",
pageName = "पुणे वॉरियर्स इंडिया",
startYear = 2011,
endYear = 2013,
code = "SRH",
fullName = "सनरायझर्स हैदराबाद",
shortName = "हैदराबाद",
pageName = "सनरायझर्स हैदराबाद",
startYear = 2013,
code = "RCB",
fullName = "बंगलोर रॉयल चॅलेंजर्स",
shortName = "बंगलोर",
pageName = "बंगलोर रॉयल चॅलेंजर्स",
startYear = 2008,
code = "RR",
fullName = "राजस्थान रॉयल्स",
shortName = "राजस्थान",
pageName = "राजस्थान रॉयल्स",
startYear = 2008,