Premios Golden Raspberry (es); 金勒士啤梨獎 (yue); Arany Málna díj (hu); Golden Raspberry sariak (eu); Giải Mâm xôi vàng (vi); Anugerah Raspberi Emas (ms); Χρυσά Βατόμουρα (el); Goldene Himbeere (de); 金草莓獎 (zh-hant); Залатая маліна (be); Ոսկե ազնվամորի (hy); 金草莓奖 (zh); Golden Raspberry Award (da); Altın Ahududu Ödülleri (tr); ゴールデンラズベリー賞 (ja); Golden Raspberry Awards (en); Золотая малина (ru); Zlatá malina (sk); Zmeura de Aur (ro); פרס פטל הזהב (he); Premi Golden Raspberry (ca); Тамашки тилоӣ (tg); 金草莓奖 (zh-cn); 金草莓奖 (wuu); Oltin malina (uz); Алтын таңқурай (kk); Premio Ora Frambo (eo); Zlatá malina (cs); தங்க ராஸ்பெரி விருது (ta); Razzie Awards (it); Golden Raspberry Awards (sv); Razzie Awards (fr); Golden Raspberry Award (nl); Залатая маліна (be-tarask); Golden Raspberry Awards (nb); 金草莓奖 (zh-hans); Золота малина (uk); جایزه تمشک طلایی (fa); गोल्डन रास्पबेरी पुरस्कार (mr); Златна малинка (bg); Framboesa de Ouro (pt); ოქროს ჟოლოს დაჯილდოება (ka); ორქოშ მუჸი (xmf); Награда Златна малина (sr); Auksinė avietė (lt); nagrade zlata malina (sl); Kuldne Vaarikas (et); Zelta Avenes balva (lv); 골든 래즈베리상 (ko); Golden Raspberry Award (id); Złota Malina (pl); ഗോൾഡൻ റാസ്പ്ബെറി അവാർഡ് (ml); Qızıl Moruq Mükafatı (az); Golden Raspberry Award (fy); Zlatna malina (hr); Gwobrau Golden Raspberry (cy); Xelata Tûşêmiya Zêrîn (ku); Premios Golden Raspberry (gl); جائزة التوتة الذهبية (ar); Golden Raspberry Awards (vec); Golden Raspberry (fi) premio presentado en reconocimiento a lo peor del cine (es); a filmművészet legrosszabbjainak elismeréseként odaítélt díj (hu); прэмія ЗША (be-tarask); антинаграда, отмечающая худшие актёрские работы, сценарий, режиссуру, кинопесню и фильм года (ru); award presented in recognition of the worst in film (en); negativer Filmpreis, ironische Auszeichnung (de); 模仿奥斯卡金像奖的负面颁奖典礼 (zh); награда која се додељује за најгора филмска остварења године (sr); nagrade za najslabše dosežke v filmu (sl); アメリカの映画賞 (ja); filmpris (sv); amerykańska antynagroda filmowa (pl); американська сатирична кінопремія, антинагорода (uk); premio cinematografico (it); ocenění za nejhorší filmové počiny (cs); yhdysvaltalainen huonoimpien elokuvien palkinto (fi); award presented in recognition of the worst in film (en); premio por la plej malbonaj roluloj, reĝisoroj, scenaroj, filmoj, kantoj (eo); Αμερικανικά ατιρικά βραβεία. (el); parodies de récompense de cinéma (fr) Golden Raspberry, Razzie Awards, Premios Razzie, Razzies, Razzie, Premio razzie, Premio Golden Raspberry, Golden Raspberry Awards (es); Razzie (id); Arany Málna, Golden Raspberry Awards, Razzie Award, Razzies (hu); Χρυσό Βατόμουρο (el); راتسيز, جائزة الراتسيز, جوائز التوتة الذهبية (ar); Framboise d'or, Razzies, Golden Raspberry Awards, Golden Raspberry Award, Razzie Award (fr); Златна малина, Golden Raspberry Awards, Razzies (sr); Razzie Ödülleri, Razzie, Razzie Awards, Golden Raspberry Awards (tr); Razzie Awards, Razzie Award (ru); Zelta Avene (lv); Golden Raspberry, Razzie Awards, 25 Jahre Goldene Himbeere, Golden Raspberry Award, Razzie, Goldene Himbeere des Jahrhunderts, Goldene Himbeere der 1990er, Razzie Award (de); Mâm xôi vàng, Giải Quả Mâm xôi vàng, Golden Raspberry Awards, Razzies (vi); Razzie, Golden Raspberry Awards, Razzie award, Golden Raspberry Award, Razzies (it); جایزهٔ تمشک طلایی, تمشک طلایی (fa); 金草莓獎, 黃金覆盆子獎項, 覆盆子金像獎, 金酸莓獎, 金酸梅奖, 金莓獎, 金覆盆子獎, 金酸莓奖 (zh); Razzie, Razzie Award (da); ოქროს ჟოლო, ოქროს ჟოლოს ჯილდო (ka); ゴールデン・ラズベリー賞, ラジー賞, ラズベリー賞 (ja); Gouden Framboos, Razzie, Razzie Awards, Razzies, Golden Raspberry Awards, Razzie Award (nl); פרס ראזי, פטל הזהב (he); Razzie, Razzie Awards, The Razzies, Golden Raspberry Award, Razzie Award, Razzies (sv); Razzie, Razzies, Złote Maliny, Golden Raspberry Awards (pl); Golden Raspberry Award, Razzies, Golden Raspberries, Razzie, Razzie Award, Razzie Awards (nb); Qızıl Malina (az); Premiile Zmeura de aur, Premiul Zmeura de Aur, Golden Raspberry Awards (ro); Razzie Awards, Razzies, Premi Razzie, Razzie, Premis Razzie, Razzie Award, Golden Raspberry Awards (ca); Golden Raspberry Awards (wuu); Razzie, Razzie Awards, Kultainen vadelma, Golden Raspberry Awards, Razzie Award (fi); Golden Raspberry Award, Golden Raspberry, Razzies, Razzie Awards, Golden Raspberries, Razzie (en); Ora frambo (eo); Golden Raspberry, Razzie Awards, Golden Raspberry Award (cs); Golden Raspberry, Razzie Awards, Raspberry awards, Razzies, Golden raspberry awards, Razzie Award (pt)
गोल्डन रास्पबेरी पुरस्कार award presented in recognition of the worst in film |
माध्यमे अपभारण करा |
विकिपीडिया |
प्रकार | group of awards |
उपवर्ग | चित्रपट पुरस्कार, ironic award |
स्थान | लॉस एंजेलस, लॉस एंजेलस काउंटी, कॅलिफोर्निया, Pacific States Region |
भाग | - Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Visual Effects
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress of the Decade
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actress
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screenplay
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Ensemble
- Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Original Song
आरंभ वेळ | इ.स. १९८१ |
स्थापना | |
पासून वेगळे आहे | - Malina
- Raspberry Film Festival
अधिकृत संकेतस्थळ |
३४° ०६′ ००″ N, ११८° १२′ ००″ W |
गोल्डन रास्पबेरी पुरस्कार हे सगळ्यात निकृष्ट चित्रपटांना दिले जाणारे पुरस्कार आहेत.