साचा:Grading scheme
दर्जा | निकष | वाचकांचे अनुभव | संपादनासाठी सूचना/सुचवण्या | उदाहरण | ||
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या लेखाने featured article चा दर्जा प्राप्त केला आहे.
Professional, outstanding, and thorough; a definitive source for encyclopedic information. | No further content additions should be necessary unless new information becomes available; further improvements to the prose quality are often possible. | साचा:Oldid (as of March 2009) |
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हा लेख चांगल्या प्रकारे संयोजित केला आहे व तो पूर्ण झाला आहे. त्याचे पुनरावलोकन हे इतर ठिकाणच्या निष्पक्ष समीक्षकांद्वारे पूर्ण केल्या गेले आहे. एक चांगला लेख असणे ही अ-दर्जासाठीची आवश्यकता नाही.
Very useful to readers. A fairly complete treatment of the subject. A non-expert in the subject matter would typically find nothing wanting. | Expert knowledge may be needed to tweak the article, and style issues may need addressing. Peer-review may help. | साचा:Oldid (as of October 2008) |
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या लेखाने उत्तम लेखाचा दर्जा प्राप्त केला आहे.
Useful to nearly all readers, with no obvious problems; approaching (although not equalling) the quality of a professional encyclopedia. | Some editing by subject and style experts is helpful; comparison with an existing featured article on a similar topic may highlight areas where content is weak or missing. | साचा:Oldid (as of May 2009) |
ब | हा लेख good article standards पर्यंत जवळपास पोचला आहे व त्यात निवारण्याजोग्या काही मोठ्या बाबी नाहीत, पण त्या निकषापर्यंत पोचण्यास यावर थोडे अधिक काम करावे लागेल.
Readers are not left wanting, although the content may not be complete enough to satisfy a serious student or researcher. | A few aspects of content and style need to be addressed, and expert knowledge is increasingly needed. The inclusion of supporting materials should also be considered if practical, and the article checked for general compliance with the manual of style and related style guidelines. | साचा:Oldid (as of September 2007) |
क | हा लेख बराच उद्बोधक आहे पण त्यात महत्त्वाचा आशय नाही अथवा, त्यात बरीच असंबंधीत सामग्री आहे. या लेखास खात्रीलायक स्रोतांपासून काही संदर्भांची आवश्यकता आहे. यात अनेक इतर बाबींही असू शकतात तसेच याच्या स्वच्छतेची आवश्यकता आहे.
Useful to a casual reader, but would not provide a complete picture for even a moderately detailed study. | Considerable editing is needed to close gaps in content and address cleanup issues. | साचा:Oldid (as of June 2008) |
प्राथमिक | An article that is developing, but which is quite incomplete and, most notably, lacks adequate reliable sources.
Provides some meaningful content, but the majority of readers will need more. | Provision of references to reliable sources should be prioritised; the article will also need substantial improvements in content and organisation. | साचा:Oldid (as of November 2006) |
खुंटलेल्या | A very basic description of the topic.
Provides very little meaningful content; may be little more than a dictionary definition. | Any editing or additional material can be helpful. The provision of meaningful content should be a priority. | साचा:Oldid (as of July 2009) |
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The article has attained featured list status.
Professional standard; it comprehensively covers the defined scope, usually providing a complete set of items, and has annotations that provide useful and appropriate information about those items. | No further content additions should be necessary unless new information becomes available. | साचा:Oldid (as of February 2009) |
यादी | Meets the criteria of a stand-alone list, which is an article that contains primarily a list, usually consisting of links to articles in a particular subject area. | There is no set format for a list, but its organization should be logical and useful to the reader. | Lists should be lists of live links to Wikipedia articles, appropriately named and organized. | साचा:Oldid (as of June 2007) |
Usage instructions
[संपादन]- The code below is for customizing the template for a specific WikiProject. Fields are optional, and will default to generic examples if left blank.
- Specifying the Project field will link the class labels to the appropriate quality category in the given project in the format "FA-Class Project articles".
- Specifying article class examples will display the provided text in the example for the given quality.
- The rows for Future, Book, Cat, Dab, Image, Portal, Project, Redirect, Template, and NA are optional and will not be displayed unless yes is specified for the respective "Future_cat", "Book_cat", "Cat_cat", "Dab_cat", "File_cat", "Portal_cat", "Project_cat", "Redirect_cat", "Template_cat", and "NA_cat" parameters.
[संपादन]Copy and paste:
{{Grading scheme |Project = |FA_example = |A_example = |GA_example = |B_example = |C_example = |Start_example = |Stub_example = |FL_example = |List_example = |Future_cat = |Future_example = |Book_cat = |Book_example = |Cat_cat = |Cat_example = |Dab_cat = |Dab_example = |FM_cat = |FM_example = |File_cat = |File_example = |Portal_cat = |Portal_example = |Project_cat = |Project_example = |Redirect_cat = |Redirect_example = |Template_cat = |Template_example = |NA_cat = |NA_example = }}
See also
[संपादन]प्रमाणित दर्जांचे प्रकार | |||
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{{class|वृत्तलेख}} | {{class|वृत्तलेखयादी}} | {{class|वृत्तलेखमाध्यम}} | {{class|अ}} |
![]() |
ब | क | प्राथमिक |
{{class|उत्तम}} | {{class|ब}} | {{class|क}} | {{class|प्राथमिक}} |
खुंटलेल्या | यादी | अ-लेख | अमुल्यांकीत |
{{class|खुंटलेल्या}} | {{class|यादी}} | {{class|अ-लेख}} | {{class|अमुल्यांकीत}} |
अ-प्रमाणित दर्जांचे प्रकार | |||
सद्य | भविष्य | संचअनुक्रमलेख | |
{{class|सद्य}} | {{class|भविष्य}} | {{class|संचअनुक्रमलेख}} | |
![]() |
ब यादी | क यादी | प्राथमिक यादी |
{{class|अ यादी}} | {{class|ब यादी}} | {{class|क यादी}} | {{class|प्राथमिक यादी}} |
पुस्तक | वर्ग | निःसंदिग्धीकरण | मसूदा |
{{class|पुस्तक}} | {{class|वर्ग}} | {{class|निःसंदिग्धीकरण}} | {{class|मसूदा}} |
संचिका | विलयन | हवे | दालन |
{{class|संचिका}} | {{class|विलयन}} | {{class|हवे}} | {{class|दालन}} |
प्रकल्प | पुनर्निर्देशन | साचा | सदस्य |
{{class|प्रकल्प}} | {{class|पुनर्निर्देशन}} | {{class|साचा}} | {{class|सदस्य}} |
प्रकारानुसार महत्त्व | |||
उच्चतम | उच्च | मध्यम | निम्न |
{{importance|उच्चतम}} | {{importance|उच्च}} | {{importance|मध्यम}} | {{importance|निम्न}} |
निम्नतर | अप्राप्त | अज्ञात | |
{{importance|निम्नतर}} | {{importance|अप्राप्त}} | {{importance|अज्ञात}} |
- Class
- {{Article classification}}
- {{Grading scheme}}
- {{Assessment Class Summary}}
- {{Category class}}
- {{Articles by Quality}}
- {{Class}}
- {{Class/colour}}
- {{Class/icon}}
- Importance
- {{Article importance}}
- {{Importance scheme}}
- {{Assessment Importance Summary}}
- {{Category importance}} / {{Cat priority}}
- {{Articles by Importance}}
- {{Importance}}
- {{Importance/colour}}
- {{Importance/icon}}
- Hybrid
- Others
- {{Articles by Quality Pie Graph}}
- {{Articles by Importance Pie Graph}}
- {{WikiProject progression rainbow}}
- {{WikiProject assessment progression}}
- Tool to add multiple templates to quality assessment pages
{{WPBannerMeta/templatepage/qualheader |project =|topic =}}
For B rating evaluation
[संपादन]Copy and paste:
| B1 <!-- Ref and cites --> = y/n
| B2 <!-- Coverage and accuracy --> = y/n
| B3 <!-- Structure--> = y/n
| B4 <!-- Grammar and style --> = y/n
| B5 <!-- Supporting materials --> = y/n
| B6 <!-- Appropriate and understandable --> = y/n