![]() | हा विभाग (मॉड्यूल) पान सुरक्षेच्या अधीन असलेला आहे. तो खूप पानांवर वापरल्या जाणारा उच्च-दृश्यतेचा विभाग आहे किंवा, त्याचे substitution वारंवार होते. त्यामधील उत्पात किंवा चुका या अनेक पानांवर परिणाम करु शकतात. किरकोळ किंवा क्षुद्र संपादनही विदागारावर प्रचंड ताण उत्पन्न करु शकते. म्हणून, त्यास संपादनांपासून सुरक्षित केले आहे. |
Module to display an icon with a tooltip such as "Edit this at Wikidata"
- Icon will be linked to the Wikidata entry for the article where this is placed.
- This message is only displayed if a local_parameter is not supplied, i.e. when called from a template, it can be coded not to display the message when a local parameter is in use, preventing the value form Wikidata being fetched.
- The qid of a Wikidata entry can optionally be supplied for testing outside the article.
To always display the icon:
To display the icon depending on a local parameter not existing:
To test the functionality outside of an article:
To make the link point to the given property at the Wikidata entry:
-- Module to display an icon with a tooltip such as "Edit this at Wikidata"
-- Icon will be linked to the Wikidata entry for the article where this is placed.
-- This message is only displayed if a local_parameter is not supplied
-- i.e. when called from a template, it can be coded not to display the message
-- when a local parameter is in use, preventing the value form Wikidata being fetched.
-- The qid of a Wikidata entry can optionally be supplied for testing outside the article.
-- Usage:
-- {{#invoke:EditAtWikidata|showMessage|local_parameter}}
-- {{#invoke:EditAtWikidata|showMessage|qid=<ArticleID|local_parameter}}
local p = {}
local i18n =
["message"] = "Edit this at Wikidata"
p.showMessage = function(frame)
-- There may be a local parameter supplied, if it's blank, set it to nil
local local_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "")
if local_parm and (#local_parm == 0) then local_parm = nil end
-- If there is a local parameter used, we don't want to display the message
if local_parm then return nil end
-- Can take a named parameter |qid which is the Wikidata ID for the article.
-- This will not normally be used except for testing outside the article.
local qid = frame.args.qid
if qid and (#qid == 0) then qid = nil end
-- The module can take a parameter pid=
-- which will create a link to that property in the Wikidata entry for the article
local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args.pid or "")
-- Get the object containing all the claims for the article
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid)
if entity then
local thisQid
if qid then thisQid = qid else thisQid = entity.id end
local icon
if propertyID then
icon = " [[File:Blue pencil.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt=" .. i18n.message .. " |link=https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" .. thisQid .. "#" .. propertyID .. "|" .. i18n.message .. "]]"
icon = " [[File:Blue pencil.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt=" .. i18n.message .. " |link=https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" .. thisQid .. "|" .. i18n.message .. "]]"
return icon
return p